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AMLO dice que se va ‘a la primera manifestación de 100,000’

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - SEPTEMBER 26: President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks during the Ayotzinapa case report at Palacio Nacional on September 26, 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico. On september 26 of 2014, 43 students of Isidro Burgos Rural School of Ayotzinapa disappeared in Iguala city after clashing with police forces. The students were accused of attempting the kidnap of buses to be used for protests. The government of former Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto led an investigation which revealed that corrupt police officers kidnapped the students and then were handed to members of a drug cartel who killed them after a few hours. Known as the 'Verdad Historica' (Historical Truth) this version has been refuted by the current government to find evidence that proves what actually happened to the students.  (Photo by Hector Vivas/Getty Images)
Hector Vivas/Getty Images
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – SEPTEMBER 26: President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks during the Ayotzinapa case report at Palacio Nacional on September 26, 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico. On september 26 of 2014, 43 students of Isidro Burgos Rural School of Ayotzinapa disappeared in Iguala city after clashing with police forces. The students were accused of attempting the kidnap of buses to be used for protests. The government of former Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto led an investigation which revealed that corrupt police officers kidnapped the students and then were handed to members of a drug cartel who killed them after a few hours. Known as the ‘Verdad Historica’ (Historical Truth) this version has been refuted by the current government to find evidence that proves what actually happened to the students. (Photo by Hector Vivas/Getty Images)

El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ha afirmado que está dispuesto a dimitir si hay una manifestación en su contra con más de 100,000 asistentes y pierde el apoyo popular en los sondeos, sin esperar al referéndum revocatorio que prevé convocar en 2021.

El mandatario ha apelado en rueda de prensa a sus “principios” e “ideales” para prometer que dará un paso atrás y volverá a Chiapas si aumentan las quejas de la ciudadanía: “A la primera manifestación de 100,000 y que yo vea que las encuestas ya no tengo apoyo”.

López Obrador, sin embargo, no cree que sea necesario, ya que considera que el Gobierno está obteniendo resultados en un momento en el que el país debe hacer frente a una crisis sanitaria y otra económica. Uno de sus principales objetivos siempre ha sido la lucha contra la corrupción, un frente en el que ha insistido en que no habrá “impunidad”, según el diario Milenio.

Asimismo, ha defendido que el Ejecutivo también está trabajando para reducir la violencia, incluida la que sufren las mujeres. El lunes se produjeron choques entre manifestantes y policías durante una marcha convocada para defender el derecho al aborto en Ciudad de México.