New web page with information on Open Science

Stockholm University actively promotes an open science system, and as part of making open science an issue for the entire university, the information on open science has been moved to the central website and updated.

There is now a new web page with summarised information about open science at Stockholm University at the central website, under the research tab. Previously, information about open science was available on the university library's website, but as a step in making open science an issue for the entire university, the information has been moved and updated.

Stockholm University actively promotes an open science system, where everyone has free and open access to scientific texts, research results and research data. The purpose of making science open is to make research results and all parts of the research process more transparent, accessible and reusable for research, innovation and development.

With open access to scientific information, the results and processes of research can benefit more people both within and outside the research community, while making research itself more robust and effective. 

Photo: Julia Milder

On the new page, you will find explanations for most of the concepts that are linked to Open Science, as well as information about how the university work with the issue. You will find information on what collaborations the university is involved in to drive the issue forward both nationally and internationally, and what support you can get as a researcher to work openly. In addition, there are recent figures on openly accessible articles published at SU, a survey of practices around open research data at the university, and much more.

Via the shortcut you can now reach the Open Science entrance on There you can click on "What is open science?" to get to the new page.

You can also get there via the direct link below:

Open Science at Stockholm University