Stockholm university

Research project Horse husbandry effects on eutrophication

In this project the goal is to develop new knowledge about how horse-dense and trampled horse paddocks affect the aquatic environment, and to contribute with a scientific basis for measures on horse farms to reduce the nutrient losses from horse husbandries.

On a number of horse husbandries in the Stockholm and Uppsala area the nutrient losses from paddocks will be quantified from water samples taken in adjacent water courses, and the P-accumulation in paddocks will be quantified from soil profiles. To put the measurements in the right context interviews will be conducted with horse keepers on e.g. how horse manure is handled, feeding routines and the horses' time spent outside.

Project members

Project managers

Linda Kumblad

Associate Professor

Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
Linda Kumblad. Foto: Niklas Björling/SU


Emil Rydin

Associate Professor

Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre

Camilla Winqvist


Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre

Helena Aronsson


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil and Environment

Monica Hammer

Associate Professor

Södertörn University, Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies

Mona Petersson

Senior Lecturer

Södertörn University, Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies