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Learn about the Global Business Co-Concentration

Given the global nature of the Stern curriculum and its courses, effective immediately, the Global Business co-concentration has been eliminated as an option starting with students who entered in fall 2021 and going forward. Current students who entered Stern prior to fall 2021 may continue to pursue this area of study. 

Upper class students pursuing this area can confer with the Global Business Faculty Advisers for questions regarding the co-concentration: 

Professor Joseph Foudy | | KMC 7-66

    Global Business Co-Concentration Requirements

    To declare a co-concentration in Global Business, you must fill out the concentration declaration form on Stern Life. You must also have a primary concentration declared in addition to the Global Business co-concentration.

    You are required to complete at least 12 credits of coursework that consist of:

    • Global Strategy (MGMT-UB 4)
    • 1 Category A course
    • Two (2) approved global business electives
      • Can be from Category A courses or an approved Global Business elective.
      • At least 1 of these electives must be from Stern so that at least 75% of the courses taken to complete the concentration are from Stern (-UB).
      • Category A Courses
        • International Financial Management (FINC-UB 30)
        • Global Marketing Strategy (MKTG-UB 64)
        • Global Macroeconomics (ECON-UB 230)
      • Economic Inequality: Perspectives & Practices (BSPA-UB 43)
      • Sustainability Impact Consulting in Costa Rica (BSPA-UB 45)
      • Stern International Volunteers: Social Entrepreneurship in Ghana (BSPA-UB 2000)
      • Asian Economies (ECON-UB 222)
      • Global Economic Trends (ECON-UB 240)
      • Emerging Markets Finance (FINC-UB 23)
      • Chinese Financial Markets (FINC-UB 86)
      • Globalization of the Entertainment Industry (MKTG-UB 46)
      • The Financial System (MULT-UB 27)
      • The Middle East: Culture, Markets, and Strategy (MULT-UB 45)
      • The Global Theme/Amusement Park Industry: USA (MULT-UB 132)
      • Business & Economy of the Netherlands (MULT-UB 134)
      • Global Business Trends (MULT-UB 231)


    Approved Non-Business Elective Options

    • Foreign Language: You are strongly encouraged to fulfill one of your elective requirements for global business with a foreign language option. Any 8 units (or more) of course work in a single foreign language will count as one of the two electives for the co-concentration. Students may also take any 6-credit intensive language course (e.g. FREN-UA 10, Intensive Elementary French I) to satisfy this requirement.
    • Approved CAS Politics courses: Any Comparative Politics (POL-UA 5XX/95XX) or International Politics (POL-UA 7XX/97XX) through the College of Arts and Science. For more information on these courses, consult the Department of Politics.
    • Selecting other non-business electives: When looking for courses, you should note that courses likely to be approved are those that have relevance to global business in the 21st century. 
      • Not likely to be approved: Courses that center on history/time periods prior to the 21st century or those that primarily focus on the arts (e.g. literature, film, etc) without relating the subject matter back to its relevance to the greater society.
      • Courses in the following departments have been approved in the past: Social and Cultural Analysis [Africana Studies/Asian, Pacific, American Studies/Latino Studies/Metropolitan Studies] (SCA-UA), Anthropology (ANTH-UA), Art History (ARTH-UA), East Asian Studies (EAST-UA), Economics (ECON-UA), Environmental Studies (ENVST-UA, European Studies (EURO-UA), French Studies (FREN-UA), German Studies (GERM-UA), Hebrew Language & Literature (HBRJD-UA), Spanish Language and Literature (SPAN-UA), Italian Studies (ITAL-UA), Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies (MEIS-UA), Religious Studies (RELST-UA), Russian & Slavic Studies (RUSSN-UA), Sociology (SOC-UA), Media, Culture, and Communication (MCC-UE), select courses from Wagner (UPADM-GP)

    Additional Notes and Resources

    A Stern elective course may satisfy only one concentration requirement. For example, International Financial Management can count as a Global Business requirement OR as an advanced finance elective, but it cannot satisfy both requirements.


    Meet with a Peer Mentor

    Speak with juniors and seniors with knowledge and experience in a wide range of popular industries.

    Meet with a Faculty Adviser

    Talk more about this coursework as well as academic or professional pathways in this field.

    Meet with an Academic Adviser

    Plan your concentration and degree.