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2024 STAT Wunderkinds
Nominate a 2024 STAT Wunderkind
STAT Wunderkinds is a chance to celebrate early-career researchers who are not yet independent scientists or program leaders. We want to honor postdocs, interns, fellows — people who have terminal degrees in hand, but aren’t running their own research programs yet.

Nominations for the 2024 STAT Wunderkinds have officially closed. A member of STAT’s editorial team will only contact you should your nominee be selected. The final class of 2024 STAT Wunderkinds will be announced in mid-October. Stay tuned!
People working as assistant or associate professors, founders, C-suite level execs, or section heads as of Jan. 1, 2024 are not eligible. Research must have been published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal by the entry deadline. For full eligibility criteria, please see our FAQ before filling out this form. If you still have questions, email [email protected]. Please read our Terms and Conditions.