
The fall of the woke tyrants

The insanity of the elites is colliding with the common sense of the people.

Topics Identity Politics Polemics Politics World

Humza Yousaf, Leo Varadkar, Nicola Sturgeon, Jacinda Ardern… one after another, woke, authoritarian politicians are exiting the stage. For years now, the Anglosphere has in large part been ruled over by parties and leaders keen to impose identity politics, green austerity and uncontrolled immigration on a hesitant population, all while cracking down hard on any dissent. But no more. As Tom Slater explains in our latest video polemic, voters simply aren’t going to put up with this anymore. And Canada’s Justin Trudeau and America’s Joe Biden could be next for the chop. The common sense of the people is our greatest defence against the insanity of the elites. We just need to find new parties and movements to give it voice. Watch, share and subscribe to our YouTube channel to make sure you never miss a spiked video.

Pictures by: Getty.

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