Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray is Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society and an author, most recently of Bloody Sunday: Truth, lies and the Saville Inquiry.

Will we always have Paris?

27 July 2024 9:00 am

There are times when you might be fooled into believing all is well. I had a moment of such weakness…

David Lammy’s Trump problem

20 July 2024 9:00 am

There’s no shortage of people who have spent recent years comparing Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler. Among other places, the…

The new dark age

13 July 2024 9:00 am

We have entered a new dark age. I’m not just referring to the situation in Britain since last week. Though…

The Tories have only themselves to blame

6 July 2024 9:00 am

I was amused the other week to read George Osborne’s Diary in this magazine. In it the man now in…

David Tennant’s pride and prejudice

29 June 2024 9:00 am

As all non-bigoted readers will know, this is the holy and most ancient month of Pride. The time of year…

Cowards vs culture

22 June 2024 9:00 am

For some while I have marvelled at the way in which artworks seem to have become the focus of hatred…

The trouble with calling everyone ‘far right’

15 June 2024 9:00 am

There is a favourite Fleet Street story about the legendary Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie. While editing the paper, he discovered…

The right must unite

1 June 2024 9:00 am

I mentioned here recently that to my mind Boris Johnson bears a fairish similarity to Dr Faustus, as Christopher Marlowe…

My message for Columbia’s protesting students

25 May 2024 9:00 am

There are several frustrating things about American college campuses, just one of which is the sheer volume of column inches…

Why is it so hard to be a Christian in public life?

18 May 2024 9:00 am

Is it any longer acceptable to be a Christian? News reaches me of a strange case involving the Liberal Democrat…

In defence of my friend Kevin Spacey

11 May 2024 9:00 am

I am looking for a way to get £80,000. The sum would come in handy. I could put it towards…

Following Napoleon: my exile in St Helena

27 April 2024 9:00 am

St Helena In an attempt to escape from the world, I have come with friends to St Helena. It is quite…

The triumph of Katharine Birbalsingh

20 April 2024 9:00 am

There are two questions that need to be asked of any society: what is it that is going wrong; and…

Israel is running out of options

13 April 2024 9:00 am

There are many misunderstandings about Israel in the international media, but one of the most bewildering is the suggestion that…

The game’s up for ‘anti-racist’ racism

6 April 2024 9:00 am

There are only a few rules to column-writing. One of the strictest is never to waste time bouncing off the…

In defence of forgiveness

30 March 2024 9:00 am

It is often the small constants in the culture that give the game away. Much of the news today is…