Charlotte Hobson

Imprisoned for years on Putin’s whim

6 July 2024 9:00 am

Vladimir Pereverzin’s ‘crime’ was to have worked for a company owned by Mikhail Khodorkovsky – and refusing to give false evidence resulted in an 11-year sentence in the camps

‘A group of deranged idiots’ – how the Soviets saw the Avant-Gardists

8 June 2024 9:00 am

First welcomed, then vilified, by Lenin, Russian artists such as Malevich, Tatlin, Kandinsky and Chagall would find their only real supporters in the West

The deathly malaise that’s crippling Russia

8 October 2022 9:00 am

Now is a difficult time to empathise with Russians – which is why we need Maxim Osipov. We need him…

Bright, beautiful and deceptively simple: the art of the linocut

30 October 2021 9:00 am

Charlotte Hobson describes the complicated relationship of two artists who championed simplicity

Pure, white and native: the birch as a symbol of Russian nationalism

19 June 2021 9:00 am

The image of the birch tree in popular Russian culture is as manifold as the trees themselves, but we could…

The dark side of Venus — goddess of war as well as love

11 January 2020 9:00 am

Bettany Hughes has spent a decade, she tells us, exploring the origins of the goddess Aphrodite, first for a BBC…

Words of war: interviews with the children who survived Hitler’s invasion of Russia

20 July 2019 9:00 am

In 1990s Russia, war veterans were a bossy, even aggressive presence, upbraiding people in shops and pushing to the front…

‘The conclusion of the 18 October demonstration’

Small but deadly: postcards that fuelled the Russian Revolution

12 January 2019 9:00 am

In this handsomely illustrated book Tobie Mathew makes a case for the lowly postcard’s role in the politicisation of pre-revolutionary…

‘T’ is for Trotskyite

21 July 2018 9:00 am

Varlam Shalamov’s short stories of life in the Soviet Gulag leave an impression of ice-sharp precision, vividness and lucidity, as…

The pain of scorching her own face exorcises the helplessness Fontaine feels at her mother’s suffering

Death-defying acts and the dark side of the circus

23 June 2018 9:00 am

In 2013 Tessa Fontaine joined up with the World of Wonders, a circus sideshow that travels around the United States…

The long arm of the Russian super mafia

5 May 2018 9:00 am

Mark Galeotti’s study of Russian organised crime, the product of three decades of academic research and consultancy work, is more…

Marina Lewycka’s Granny steals the show

7 May 2016 9:00 am

Marina Lewycka’s latest happy-go-lucky tale of migrant folk in Britain takes a remark by the modernist architect Berthold Lubetkin as…

‘We will achieve abundance’ promises a propaganda poster of 1949. But by 1952 most free Soviet citizens shared the same diet as the inhabitants of the Gulag

Uncle Joe is revered in Putin’s Russia as a benevolent dictator

23 May 2015 9:00 am

‘Lately, the paradoxical turns of recent Russian history… have given my research more than scholarly relevance,’ remarks Oleg Khlevniuk in…

As deadly as the male: female Russian pilots of the second world war were femmes fatales in every sense

11 April 2015 9:00 am

The name Lyuba Vinogradova may not ring any bells, but her ferrety eye for spotting a telling detail may already…

Life after Vera: Patrick Gale’s hero finds happiness towards the end of the Saskatchewan line

21 March 2015 9:00 am

Patrick Gale’s first historical novel is inspired by a non-story, a gap in his own family record. His great-grandfather Harry…

How Putin turned Russian politics into reality TV

14 February 2015 9:00 am

‘We all know there will be no real politics.’ A prominent Russian TV presenter is speaking off the record at…

Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking, by Anya von Bremzen - review

12 October 2013 9:00 am

The early 1990s in Russia were hungry years. At the time, I was a student, too idle to barter and…