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Executive Management

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Investigations Division

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Alternative Sentencing Division




Legal Training Unit


Community Outreach


Public information


Support Services

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The Special Narcotics Prosecutor directs the policies and management of the office. The executive staff, composed of veteran attorneys and other professionals, assists in overseeing investigations and prosecutions, as well as programs that offer alternatives to incarceration.

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The Investigations Division focuses on complex, high-level narcotics organizations and seizing narcotics proceeds. It is composed of the Special Investigations Bureau, the Heroin Interdiction Team, the Prescription Drug Investigation Unit, the Narcotics Gang Unit, the Money Laundering and Financial Investigations Unit, and the Forfeiture Investigations Unit.

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Trial Divison

Trial Division Assistant District Attorneys handle the bulk of the drug felony arrests referred to the office for prosecution. The division contains two trial bureaus, which handle short-term investigations focusing on mid-sized drug organizations and street-level drug groups. Assistant District Attorneys in the Trial Division also conduct long-term investigations under the direction of supervisors from the Investigations Division.



SNP’s Alternative Sentencing Division has successfully worked for 30 years to provide defendants the needed tools to treat substance use disorder and end the cycle of crime and incarceration through SNP’s pioneering Drug Treatment Alternatives to Prison (DTAP) programs. Experienced staff assist in reviewing applications for Judicial Diversion, established by the New York State Legislature in 2009 to grant judges authority to evaluate eligibility for court-sponsored diversion programs.

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Investigators Unit
The Investigators Unit works with Assistant District Attorneys and federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in combating drug activity throughout the five boroughs of New York City and beyond. Created in 1992, the unit is overseen by highly experienced law enforcement veterans with decades of prior experience with the NYPD’s Narcotics Division and the New York Drug Enforcement Task Force.

NYPD Special Narcotics Prosecutor's Unit
The New York City Police Department has assigned a team of detectives to the office since 1972. The NYPD's Special Narcotics Prosecutor's Unit is under the command of a senior lieutenant who serves as a liaison between SNP and the NYPD’s Criminal Enterprise Division. Expert at tracking, safekeeping and presentation of electronically recorded evidence, the detectives also provide support on search warrant investigations and maintain citywide repositories for electronically recorded evidence.

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community outreach

SNP is committed to partnering with communities and enhancing the quality of life of all New Yorkers. The Community Outreach Unit meets with community and religious leaders, block associations, the New York City Housing Authority and other groups to address local drug problems, while conferring regularly with NYPD officials to devise strategies to combat crime. To further the office’s educational mission, experienced prosecutors offer lectures to schools and youth groups on a range of topics. For more information about our Community Outreach programs, call (212) 815-0454.

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public information

The Public Information Unit responds to inquiries from members of the media, government agencies, advocacy groups and the general public. It disseminates information on the status of cases, legal decisions, legislative action, citywide drug trafficking trends and the results of joint enforcement efforts. Additionally, the unit prepares regular reports and public testimony. Members of the media and the general public can contact the unit at (212) 815-0525.

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Support Services

Support staff provides non-legal services that are essential to the operation of the agency and assist with investigations, prosecutions and trials.
Fiscal   |   Human Resources   |   Information Technologies   |   Criminal and Investigative Analysts   |   Trial Preparation Assistants (TPAs)   |   Extraditions/DetainersGrand Jury Reporters   |   Interpretation and Translation Services   |   Operations

Bridget G. Brennan, Special Narcotics Prosecutor

Bridget G. Brennan has been New York City’s Special Narcotics Prosecutor since 1998. Appointed by New York City’s five elected District Attorneys, Ms. Brennan is the first woman to hold that position.

Ms. Brennan is in charge of an agency dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of felony narcotics cases and related crime across all five boroughs of the city. The Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor is built on a task force model, and works closely with its local, state and federal partners. Its mission is to protect the public and prevent overdose deaths by implementing a strategic approach to enforcement, to ensure our criminal justice system is fair for all.

Under Ms. Brennan’s direction, the office has developed innovative strategies to stem the flow of drugs into the city, targeting the opioid epidemic and other remerging problems. Ms. Brennan established the Heroin Interdiction Team (HIT), the Digital Forensic Services Unit, the Criminal and Investigative Analysts Unit, the Prescription Drug Investigation Unit (PDIU), the Narcotics Gang Unit, the Money Laundering and Financial Investigation Unit, the Community Outreach Unit, and the Discovery Compliance and Litigation Unit.

Additionally, Ms. Brennan strives to reduce demand for narcotics by raising public awareness and facilitating treatment for those with substance use issues.

Ms. Brennan joined the office in 1992 and served as the second in command from 1995 to 1997. Prior to that, she was the Chief of the Special Investigations Bureau, overseeing some of the most significant narcotics investigations in the country. Ms. Brennan has been a prosecutor since 1983 when she joined the New York County District Attorney’s Office as an Assistant District Attorney. While there, she handled hundreds of misdemeanor and felony prosecutions, including homicides and sex crimes cases. Before her legal career, she was a print, radio and television reporter in her native Wisconsin. Ms. Brennan graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School with a Juris Doctor degree. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin.

Executive & Managerial Staff


Chief Assistant District Attorney


Chief of the Trial Division / Chief of Alternative Sentencing


Executive Assistant District Attorney for Administration

Bernice Ordonez

Chief of the Investigations Division


Chief Diversity Officer


Deputy Chief of the Trial Division


Deputy Chief of the Trial Division


Director of
Legal Training

Benjamin Azaraev

Chief Information Officer

Lei Yuan

Chief Financial

Arthur Simmons

Director of
Human Resources

Calvin Solomon

Director of Community Outreach

Kati Cornell

Director of Public Information

Stefany A. Brown-Paulino

Administrative and Support Manager


Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg

District Attorney Alvin Bragg

District Attorney of Brooklyn, Eric Gonzalez

Brooklyn District Attorney
Eric Gonzalez

District Attorney of the Bronx, Darcel D. Clark

Bronx District Attorney
 Darcel D. Clark

District Attorney of Queens, Melinda Katz

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz

District Attorney of Staten Island, Michael E. McMahon

Staten Island District Attorney Michael E. McMahon


Bridget G. Brennan are former Special Narcotics Prosecutors Robert H. Silbering (left) and Hon. Sterling Johnson Jr., United States District Court Judge (right).
Founded in 1971 in response to a burgeoning heroin epidemic and a related spike in violent crime, SNP was granted authority under New York State Judiciary Laws to root out sophisticated narcotics trafficking organizations moving across traditional jurisdictional boundaries. Since its inception, SNP has worked closely with local, state and federal law enforcement partners. The first Special Narcotics Prosecutor, Frank Rogers, was appointed in January 1972. He was succeeded by Hon. Sterling Johnson, Jr., who headed SNP for 16 years. In 1991, Hon. Sterling Johnson became a U.S. District Court judge in the Eastern District of New York and now has senior judge status. During his tenure, the reputation of SNP spread nationally and the office became known for its expertise in fighting both street-level crime and large-scale drug trafficking. Upon Judge Johnson’s departure, Robert H. Silbering became the Special Narcotics Prosecutor and oversaw the establishment of the Alternative Sentencing Unit, one of the first in the city, and the Investigators Unit. The office emerged as a leader in wiretap investigations and electronic surveillance operations. The city’s five District Attorneys appointed Bridget G. Brennan as the Special Narcotics Prosecutor on May 1, 1998. Ms. Brennan has built on the work of her predecessors and refined the mission the office’s mission to confront current challenges, including the deadly opioid epidemic.