
Lipperheide Costume Library

Matthäikirchplatz 6
10785 Berlin

Study room opening times

Monday: 2 to 8 pm
Tuesday to Friday: 9 am to 4 pm

Library information desk

Phone: +49 30 266424141

Scope and holdings

Collection areas: international costume and fashion history, dance, theatre, cultural history.


Reference library, study room with 40 desks, orders available at issue desk in 30 to 45 minutes.

  • Rare books: Rare books and manuscripts are usually only available one day after ordering.
  • Inter-library loans: International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organisations. (ISIL): B 11, loan region BER = Berlin and Brandenburg only; transfer of paper media only.

Technical equipment

  • Colour and black-and-white photocopiers
  • microfiche reader
  • photographic reproductions to order. 


Electronic catalogues: OPAC of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlindatabase information system, periodicals database,

Traditional catalogues: Alphabetical card catalogue (all items acquired before 1994 systematized according to the ‘Prussian Instructions’, a historical cataloguing system).

Inventory catalogue: Inventory catalogue of the Lipperheide Costume Library, revised by E. Nienholdt and G. Wagner-Neumann, Berlin 1965, 2 vols.