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What’s new at Skimlinks? Q3 2022

Posted 2 years ago by Samantha Tamakloe-Bonaca

Back for Q3, here is your quarterly round-up of everything new at Skimlinks.

In this blog post, you’ll find a summary of our latest feature releases, newest merchants, trending products, and our top tips for Q4 – it’s your one-stop shop for the latest tools to help you maximize your success next quarter.


Platform Releases & Improvements

At Skimlinks, we’re committed to developing features and making improvements to support your commerce content strategy.

Take a look at the changes we’ve made in the last quarter (and don’t forget to keep an eye out for our upcoming releases!).

More reports available in local time zones!

In the last quarter, we introduced our time zone feature to the Publisher Hub, making an array of our reports viewable in local time zones. Here’s the full list of reports now available with time zone customization:

  • Revenue Source Report
  • Product Bought Report
  • (New) Link Optimization Report
  • (New) Broken Links Report

Please note: Dynamic Link Optimization must be enabled for the Link Optimization Report to work.

Flat Fees Filter

Our new Flat Fees Filter allows Publishers to view their flat fee payments separately from their commission revenue. Choose to see only affiliate revenue, flat fee revenue, or both – giving you a clearer view of how your commerce content is performing and simplifying your reporting.

The filter is now live in the Performance Reports and the Payment Status Report sections of the Publisher hub.


flat fee filter in the publisher hub

Please note: This feature is only available to managed Publisher accounts

API Changes

As of September 12th 2022, we’ve made some changes to our Merchant and Commissions APIs. More information on these changes can be found here.

Performance Menu Update

Revamp alert! The performance menu is now a drop-down with all core and advanced reports visible – including a short tagline about what each report covers.

With this change, we’ve made it easier to understand what each report does. Our core reports are organized on the left-hand side, with our advanced reports on the right-hand side of the menu – allowing publishers to easily differentiate between our core and advanced reports.

Look Who’s New to Skimlinks!

This quarter, Skimlinks welcomed over 3,575 new merchants!

With our Skimlinks’ Merchant Search tool, Publishers can effortlessly find new merchants to feature in their commerce content. You can drill down merchants by merchant type, category, country, rate type or program type.

Here are some of the 3,575 merchants that have joined our Skimlinks platform over the last few months:

What’s Been Trending Across Skimlinks?

E-commerce trends are ever-changing, and keeping up with consumer interests is key to successfully driving sales and earning more commission.

Updated on an hourly basis, the Trending Products Report displays the top products trending across the Skimlinks network, giving Publishers timely insights into what consumers are buying. Here are some of the top trending products across our global network from Q3:

Top 3 Team Tips for Preparing for Q4

With three busy quarters down and one to go, the Skimlinks team helps you prepare for Q4’s upcoming shopping events.

Three Skimlinks team members each share their top tips for preparing for Q4.

Whether you’re thinking ahead to Black Friday, Singles Day, or Holiday Shopping, Skimlinks’ tools (and team members!) can help…

Showcase your best articles

Highlight your top-performing content on your website. Use the Evergreen Report to discover the articles consistently driving revenue and view the Performance Report by link to see your best-performing links – Tyra, Growth Marketing Manager

Create commerce content for the conscious consumer

Create commerce content for the conscious consumer. There is a continuing trend of consumers becoming increasingly proactive in adopting more ethical and sustainable lifestyle choices – Jordan, Geo-Marketing Executive

Don’t miss a chance to monetize

If you’re monetizing your website with the Skimlinks JavaScript, you’re off to a great start. But you can also earn commission from your other content with AMP (which monetizes your mobile articles) and Link Wrapper (which lets you monetize your social media posts, newsletters, and even print content!) – Alannah, Product Marketing Manager

Q4 Awaits

That brings us to the end of this quarter’s round-up! Now that you’re all set with the tools you need to create high-converting commerce content, we hope Q4 2022 will be a successful one.

Click Frenzy – The Main Event: What to expect in Australia’s biggest shopping event of 2022

Get Q4-Ready: Find New Merchants To Feature

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