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Introducing: Product Bought Report API

Posted 2 years ago by Alannah Trew

Exciting news – there’s a new way to access Product Bought data from Skimlinks. We’re pleased to announce that the Product Bought Report is now available as an API to all Skimlinks Publishers.

Publishers can use the API to automatically pull Product Bought data into their own systems, enhancing their data and making reporting streamlined and easy.

Not tried our Product Bought Report before? It’s the simplest way for Publishers to get a clear overview of the products and merchants generating the most revenue by showing exactly what readers have bought after clicking through from their commerce content.

Publishers can use the data to learn more about what their readers are buying and spot product trends – so they can create commerce content that generates more revenue.

Our new API offers all the same data, updated daily, in an API format that can be ingested into a Publisher’s existing reporting tools.

Just like the Report, the API shows Publishers:

  • Which product their readers have bought from a merchant’s website – even if it’s different to the one they clicked on in the Publisher’s content
  • Which merchant the product was purchased from
  • The SKU (a unique identifier specific to a merchant’s website that allows someone to look up a specific product)
  • The quantity of the product bought
  • The total order value from sales of the product
  • The revenue the Publisher has earned from sales of the product

Ready to learn more and set up the API? Take a look at the documentation. Alternatively, you can find the Report over on the Publisher Hub.

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