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New from Skimlinks: Enhanced Reporting in time for the Holiday Season

Posted 2 years ago by Monika Lescevska

We are excited to announce that we have enhanced the Skimlinks Publisher Hub to ensure that you maximize all revenue opportunities before the busy holiday season.

Starting out with a new Performance Menu in the Publisher Hub, which displays all of our Core and Advanced Performance Reports to help you easily navigate the Hub. In addition, the tag line underneath each report provides a clear understanding of what each report covers. 

But that’s not all, here are the some other improvements you might be interested in:

New Feature Alert: Comparative Reporting is available now in the Publisher Hub!

Publishers need to be able to compare their current performance to previous periods to gauge success and make more informed decisions. That’s why the new Comparative Reporting feature in the Publisher Hub enables you to compare the changes in your performance over time. 

From today, you can compare your performance on all core performance reports, including date, merchant, page, link, site, device, and country.

Simply go on the date selector on any of the core performance reports and select ‘compare to previous’ to enable the new feature. When the date preset is set to the last 30 days, publishers can:

  • Compare your performance to previous: period – compare your performance from a chosen period to the same period preceding it. For example, compare performance from the last 30 days to the 30 days before that.
  • Compare your performance to previous: year – compare your performance from this year to the same period last year. For example, compare the performance from the last 30 days to the same calendar dates from the year before.
  • Compare your performance to previous: custom – compare your performance from your chosen periods. For example, compare the performance from the last 30 days to any other time frame of any amount of days. 

Please note, the feature is also available for CSV downloads when enabled – this means that Publishers no longer need to download different reports and manually compare the data.

To find out more about Comparative Reporting and view how it works on all reports, please check out this Product Guide.

Time Zone Reporting: Now available on all Reports

Publishers can now customize their Publisher Hub to their local time zone! This includes:

  • All Core Performance Reports
  • Revenue Source Report
  • Product Bought Report
  • Merchant Status Report
  • Broken Links Report
  • Link Optimization Report
  • Evergreen Report

Trending Products Reporting and Real-Time Clicks Report remain unaffected.

Ready to update to your local time zone? Head over to the Publisher Hub Settings and change it under Account Details, or directly on any of the reports. All time zones will remain in UTC unless selected otherwise.

Check out this Product Guide to find out more.

All the reports in the Publisher Hub are out of beta 

After months of testing we’re happy to announce that the Broken Links Report, Link Optimization Report, Evergreen Report, and Merchant Status Report are here to stay to help you optimize your performance day-to-day.

The Broken Links Report is the go-to report to view which links have been broken across all your domains from 404, Out of Stock, or Inactive Merchant links. Publishers can use this report to:

  • Check that all links are active on top performing pages
  • Check if the broken link has been fixed by the merchant since the last broken link click

For the holiday season, we recommend that you check all the links that are broken on top performing pages to continue driving revenue during this key time. 

Or why not check out the Evergreen Report, which helps Publishers easily identify and optimize evergreen articles to ensure continued revenue growth.

Where Publishers see an increase in revenue over the past 7 days, we recommend that you amplify the article. If it resonates with your audience, promote it across more of your channels, including social media, email and homepage slots, to increase the revenue potential even further.

Ready to check out the latest upgrades? Head over to the Publisher Hub to explore more!

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