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New Feature Alert: Reporting now available in your local time zone

Posted 2 years ago by Monika Lescevska

We know how important it is for you to have reporting in your local time. That’s why we are pleased to let you know that you can now customize your Publisher Hub to your local time zone!

The Revenue Source report, Merchant Status report, Product Bought report, Link Optimization report, Broken Links report, and all the core Performance Reports – date, merchant, page, link, site, device, and country reports are now available to view in a variety of time zones.

This feature will enhance your reporting by providing data in your local time zone, enabling you to create commerce content that converts well with your readers and generates even more revenue.

Evergreen Report will be available soon. Trending Products Report and Real-Time Clicks Report will not be affected.

You can change your time zone directly on any of the reports, or in the Publisher Hub Settings under Account details. If you don’t change your time zone, your reports will continue to display in UTC.

If you change to your local time zone, please note, any data prior to the 19th of January 2022 will be recorded in UTC, so when making a year over year comparison, we recommend reverting back to UTC for the most accurate overview.

If you want to view your API reports in your local time zone, you will also need to manually change the API setup. More information is available here.

Ready to learn more and get the most out of your reports? Explore the new feature in the Publisher Hub!

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