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Payments, Commissions and Costs: How publishers make money with Skimlinks

Posted 5 years ago by Skimlinks

Skimlinks is proud to help publishers drive revenue from their commerce content and naturally there are questions about how we pay our publishers too. So this blog post is here to answer the most common questions and help publishers start getting rewarded for the commerce content they create quicker.

When will I get paid?

You’re paid at the end of each month. To get paid you have to clear a certain threshold, which depends on the region you’re in. So long as your commission exceeds $65 / €55 / £50, we’ll pay out the balance in your account at the end of each month.

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Commissions have to be approved by retailers and paid by the affiliate network before we handle the transaction, which means there is a delay between your commerce content driving a sale, the balance appearing in your account and you being paid the commission.

This varies depending on retailer and network. Typically retailers will take 60 days to review commissions, with a further period before individual commissions clear and are paid out, so the normal period is around 90 days.

Networks and retailers can cancel commissions at any point in the process for a variety of reasons – fraud, customers returning purchases, other transaction errors – which is why the payment process takes so long.

What does Skimlinks charge me?

Zilch! It’s totally free for publishers to sign up to Skimlinks and access our services. You can try Skimlinks out with absolutely no risk on your part and no financial commitment either.

Instead we work on a revenue share basis, meaning that for every sale your commerce content drives, we take a small percentage of it, for enabling the technology that powers the sale, build the reporting and negociate better rates from merchants.

How can I get paid?

Publishers with US or UK bank accounts can be paid by direct deposit or PayPal.

Publishers outside of the UK and US can only receive payment via PayPal.

How do I set up payment?

Using the Menu dropdown in the Skimlinks Publisher Hub, you can access the Payments area and can edit your payment details and make any updates you need to. You can alter the email address your invoices go to, the currency you receive payments in and select details for how you receive future payments.

How much will I earn?

The million dollar question! The truth is there are many factors that determine the revenue earning potential of affiliate links in articles on your site. Anything from the volume of traffic you receive, to the seasonality your site, can determine how much you can make.

What we can say, is that having worked with so many publishers, of all different shapes and sizes, we know Skimlinks has a positive impact on the publishers we work with.

The best way to find out your earning potential is to sign up and start monetizing your content with automatically affiliated links.

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