Friday, September 22

Sunshine Rituals to Make it Snow!

Sunshine Rituals to Make it Snow! Hero thumbnail
Sep 22, 2023

Sunshine Rituals to Make it Snow!

The countdown to the 2023/2024 winter season is officially ON! Right now, every Sunshiner is praying for powder!


Winter is in the air, we can smell (and see) it! The snow has started to make an appearance on the slopes of Sunshine. We are not kidding, view our webcams and take a look!


Us, ski fanatics, are getting hungry for another season of fluffy, fresh goodness of Canada’s Best Snow! While we wait for the chairs to start spinning once again, for 7 months of our favorite season, we’re testing every old wives’ tale there is to make it snow!


We’re going to bed with our pajamas on backwards, inside out and doing every snow dance we can think of! With 46 (ish) sleeps to go until opening day, true ski enthusiasts around the globe are participating in every ritual and superstition there is to make it snow!


Join us in encouraging Mother Nature to grace us with Canada’s Best Snow. Our favorite Sunshine rituals to make it snow are:


- Dance! Ullr (the Norse god of snow) and Skadi (the Norse goddess of skiing) need a little entertainment too. While there is no specific choreographed “snow dance,” it’s believed the god of snow and goddess of skiing prefer wild dances with numerous dancers, fancy footwork, and flailing arms.


- Offer a Sacrifice, Ullr and Skadi are ancient gods, who like the rest of their peers, love a good sacrifice. Build a bonfire, invite your ski crew and offer up the winter gods your old rock skis, winter coat, and/or ski socks.


- Shake Things Up, Literally! Make a point of stopping and shaking the heck out of each snow globe you see. If you’re having trouble finding a snow globe, you can order one or one hundred on Amazon.


- Sing Christmas Carols at the top of your lungs, preferably songs that reference snow. We recommend, “Walking in a Winter Wonderland,” “White Christmas,” “Frosty the Snowman,” and “Jingle Bells.”


- And if all else fails, Say a Little Prayer for Snow. Try this: “Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord lays the snow down deep. Please give me a snow day before I wake. So, I can have a sweet line to ride. Amen.”


Now cross your fingers and hope that these superstitions will make it dump, deep and delicious snowflakes over Banff Sunshine and the Canadian Rockies!


Make this year YOUR year to make your ski dreams come true at Banff Sunshine. Buy your seasons pass and join us on the slopes for opening day, November 10th, 2023 (Mother Nature dependent.)


Ski you VERY soon!