Saint John’s Cathedral
is a house of prayer
for the Episcopal Church in Colorado
and the people of metropolitan Denver.

  • Sunday, July 28, 2024

    8 am – Holy Eucharist, Rite I

    10:30 am – Choral Eucharist, Rite II*

    5 pm – The Wilderness*+

    * Indicates this service is live-streamed on our homepage, Facebook and YouTube
    + Indicates incense is used during the liturgy.

    The service leaflet links above are mobile-friendly. For printer-friendly leaflets, please click here.

    If you are visiting, please fill out a Welcome Card here and a member of the cathedral clergy will reach out to connect with you. For a full list of our online offerings, click here.

    Additional parking is available in the neighborhood around the cathedral – please reference our parking map here.

  • Through the union of Word, Sacrament, and music, Saint John’s Cathedral shares God’s unconditional love and Episcopal community with all who enter our doors. Our beliefs about God, meaning, and love are best experienced in the ancient liturgies we pray and sing week in and week out. Join our growing and inclusive community as we strive to follow Jesus Christ in faithful and creative ways.

“A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another. ”

John 13:34

Upcoming Services & Events

  1. 28 July

    Holy Eucharist

  2. 28 July

    Choral Eucharist

  3. 2 August

    All Parish Retreat

  4. 4 August

    Holy Eucharist

  5. 4 August

    Choral Eucharist

Support Our Work

Saint John’s Cathedral is a large congregation that is made small by the warmth and hospitality of our members and the various opportunities to connect in small groups and ministries. Your support makes possible our beautiful liturgies and music and helps us share the Gospel and Episcopal community with more people each year, especially through outreach with our numerous ministry partners.

Pledge & Donate