Just Released! Download the latest edition of the Simpleview Sales Quarterly

Our team at 2Synergize, a Simpleview consulting agency, is dedicated to helping DMOs and CVBs create competitive advantages in the meetings market — and the Simpleview Sales Quarterly report does just that.

By examining the aggregated Simpleview CRM data of 224 DMOs, this edition of the report gauges Q1 2024 progress compared to performance pre-pandemic (using 2019 as an index). Various highlights from the report include: 

  • Lead volume was up 18.8% in Q1 2024 
  • Lead room nights and attendance were up 29.5% and 36.4% 
  • Bookings are nearing 2019 levels
  • Convention center events were up to an average of 913 
  • All regions saw growth in leads with the exception of Canada
  • The Midwest, South/Southeast, Southwest, and West/Pacific regions saw growth in Q1 2024 bookings

To make it easy for you to find the information directly comparable to your destination, we’ve presented data by DMO region and size, as measured by the gross square feet (GSF) of exhibit space in convention centers.

Join the team from 2Synergize, a Simpleview consulting agency, for a webinar at 10 a.m. PST / 1 p.m. EST on July 24 that explores the data from the first half of 2024. Register today.

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