
Why is calcium so important to our health?

Its function in the body is important for maintaining bone density and directly affecting our overall body.

Calcium is one important among all the minerals for the health of humans and the controlling element of bones and teeth. Its function in the body is essential for maintaining good bone density and directly affecting our general well-being, as it affects blood clots and normal cell functioning.

For this reason, regular intake of sufficient calcium is necessary to achieve proper functioning of the body.

Calcium is involved in important processes such as blood clots, nerve transmission or muscle contraction. Of course, its function is essential in maintaining good bone health, as it is essential to maintain bone density in association with vitamin D and K.

Furthermore, the importance of a proper diet has been emphasized, with fatty milk intake occupying a prominent position, thanks to the high bioavailability of calcium in this diet.

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Unfortunately, 8 out of 10 women do not ingest the recommended amount of this mineral.

“In favour of the absorption of calcium, that is, it consumes bone and is fixed in it. Ideally, it is consumed with nutrients such as vitamin D and vitamin K, and in the composition of properly enriched milk, All are included. 

Calcium is an abundant mineral in the human body since 99 per cent is found in our teeth and bones. Having it in sufficient quantities is essential for proper development of the human body and for adequate health throughout our lives.

According to studies conducted by the United States Institutes of Health, the best source of calcium is the diet itself, because by eating foods rich in this mineral during childhood and the early years of adulthood we can prevent bone loss as we age, reducing the risks of fractures, osteoporosis and even diabetes.

Calcium for women

The strength, elasticity and stiffness of the skeleton allow us to move and do physical activity. During pregnancy, the frame of the newborn baby mineralizes, works as an “intracellular messenger” and participates in muscle function, nerve transmission, hormonal secretion, vascular contraction and vasodilation.

“Calcium is involved in processes such as blood clots, nerve transmission or muscle contraction.”

This is one of the issues that have been addressed within the framework of the Women’s Health and Medical Congress (SAMEM), where the importance of adequate calcium intake has been emphasized, as well as a healthy lifestyle, as it is the main tool Have adequate bone density for prevention of osteoporosis and normal functioning of the body.

When women reach menopause, their estrogen production decreases and, therefore, the loss of bone mass is accelerated, making them more likely to suffer fractures in the hip, vertebrae and arms.

Calcium Food

Calcium can be found in many food groups, so it is advisable to have a varied diet with dairy products such as milk, butter, cream, cheese and yoghurt.

Green leaves, broccoli, chia and sesame seeds, quinoa, and cereals such as corn, wheat and millet contain calcium, as well as sardines, canned salmon, and fortified bread.

It should be noted that calcium is eliminated through urine, sweat and faeces, being absorbed in the intestines, but its bioavailability usually varies depending on the type of food.

This is because approximately 30 per cent of the mineral is obtained from dairy products and fortified foods, and 60 per cent is absorbed from green leaves.

Based on the aforementioned studies, vitamin D helps our body absorbs calcium better, so it is advisable to expose yourself regularly and safely to the sun, as well as consume foods rich in this vitamin such as eggs and fish.

The expert also warns that “it is important that we are aware of the importance of calcium in our health; unfortunately, 8 out of 10 people do not ingest the recommended amount of this mineral. For this reason, our diet Including enriched milk is a good opportunity to reach the recommended intake of these deficit nutrients in a simple and convenient way. “


Vitamin D is essential in the absorption of calcium, as their presence is essential for the intestine to absorb the calcium needed for optimal bone mineralization. Currently, there is a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Spain, with a daily intake of 50% less than recommended.

This intake should also be accompanied by vitamin K, a nutrient that is one of the main benefits for human health, promoting the correct determination of calcium in bones. Unfortunately, the Spanish do not even take high amounts of the vitamins that experts recommend.

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