Senior Resources » Retirement for Real Podcast with Lena Armuth

Retirement for Real Podcast with Lena Armuth

Helping retirees make sensible financial decisions in retirement.

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Retirement for Real is an investment podcast helping retirees make sensible financial decisions in retirement. Lena Armuth, a former first-grade teacher and current fee-only financial advisor, is your host. Join her to learn all about investing for and in retirement. Nothing fancy. No overly complicated or complex solutions. Just the fundamentals explained in a way that is simple to comprehend.

About the Host, About Lena Armuth

Lena Armuth of Retirement for Real
Lena Armuth, M.Ed., Candidate for CFP® certification; Advisor, Sensible Portfolios

After graduating from the University of Arizona, I joined Teach for America, a nonprofit organization that places college graduates in low-socioeconomic schools across the country. I spent two years teaching first grade in North Las Vegas while earning my master’s degree in education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I’m on a mission to provide a better investing experience for today’s investors. In March 2021, I joined Sensible Portfolios, a low-fee Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) founded by my father. It’s a family business and we treat our clients like family too. 

At Sensible, we follow a few basic rules: Be nice to people, keep investing simple, and don’t charge high advisory fees. I’m passionate about showing investors the negative impact high fees have on reaching their retirement goals. 

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