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If you have love then you don’t need to have anything else, and if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter much what else you have. This is the valentine’s season, and it seems as though everything under the sky is speaking the language of love. No one in this world wants to be ignored or isolated. Each person yearns for love and sometimes dies for love. Love is a unique language easily understood by everyone. So in this special season let’s also begin to communicate in the language of love.

Valentines Day is a special occasion for spreading the word of love. There is a common belief that Valentines Day is celebrated only by lovers and that it’s only for lovers. So let’s make it clear- Valentines Day can be celebrated by anyone, who has the heart to give love.

February 14th (this day 1737 years back)
There are various stories about the origin of Valentines Day. One such story dates back to the year 269 A.D. There lived a saint named valentine, he was a very kind and gentle man. An emperor named Claudius was ruling in the same period, as you might have guessed he was very cruel. Emperor Claudius noticed that suddenly there weren’t enough men in his roman army. Now the emperor had a weird thought that since men were getting married they were reluctant to leave their families. So he passed a law which declared marriages as illegal. Saint Valentine was against this law, so were the Romans, so this saint started performing marriages secretly. But somehow this news reached the ears of Claudius. Then saint valentine was imprisoned and finally he was put to death on February 14th. So this Valentines Day is celebrated in memory of saint valentine.

Some say that the tradition of lovers proposing each other originated from the feast of Lupercalia. According to this custom, names of roman girls were written in a piece of paper. All these names were collected in a jar and were shuffled. Each roman youngster was asked to pick up a slip containing the girl’s name. Then the couple would remain together till the end of ceremony. Sometimes this bond would last for a year and finally they would get married.

When sir valentine lived in the prison, he became a close friend of the jailor’s daughter. He left a little note for his friend before he was put to death. And had signed it like this-“love from your Valentine”. Many people believe that this is the reason why many cards and letters are exchanged during the Valentines Day.

Valentines Day for children
Kids are the most sweetest and innocent of all. Hey kid these are some of the ways of how you could spend your Valentines Day.
v Buy a small card or gift for your friends, this will show your concern for them and I’m sure they will be moved.
v Have you fought with your mom or dad, and then don’t you think this is the time to apologize. So hurry go and tell them that you are sorry and tell them that you love them the most.

v Do you have any cold war with your friends or classmates then this is the best time to patch it up.
v Get some flowers for your grand parents, and I bet that you see tears in their eyes
v Have you noticed any of your friends or classmates being aloof, then try making them cheerful and happy.
v So kids you are the symbol of love and no one else has the capacity to spread love like you’ll, so start the good work immediately.

Valentines Day for adults
Love is the magic of sharing both joy and sorrow. So now don’t you think it’s high time to begin sharing not only with your closed ones but with every one else.
v Show your love to your husband or wife by buying them a small gift, even if your gift may be small, your thought would mean a lot.
v Spend time with your children, and make this valentines Day special for them
v A small act could make a huge difference, this applies to love too. So try spending your valuable time with someone who is alone, there are a lot of people living alone in this world. A small word of care and love would really change their lives. Try doing this and I’m sure you would never forget this experience for ever in your life
v As adults we usually have no time to spend with our parents, but make some time for them in this Valentines season. And I’m sure that your soothing words would be the greatest gift for them.
v Try tracking your old friends and arrange a get together with them, this will bring your old valentine’s day’s memories alive.

Valentines Day for lovers
He is not a lover who does not love forever. This valentine’s season may be a little extra special for lovers and for those who are going to be lovers.
v Any lover would surely buy a gift for his loved one, but try getting something which would really make your lover feel fantastic.
v And if you find yourself falling in love with someone then this is the best time to speak out and tell them about your love.
v A rose means a lot because ancient poets described rose to be the symbol of love. So give your lover a pretty rose and show your love
v Has your lover been asking you to do something and have you been postponing the job. Then this is the right time to fulfill their wish.
v Take your lover to a special place and make them feel special

Gifts for Valentines Day
Are you confused about what to gift to your lover. Here are some help tips

Gifts for women:
v Women are easily attracted towards perfumes and scents, so try getting a branded perfume which has her favorite aroma.
v Women always like to dress up nicely, so gift her some beautiful outfit which is not in her wardrobe.
v Diamonds are women’s best friend, so go for pretty diamond jewellery, if your finances are not that good, choose a gold jewel.
v If you want this Valentines Day gift to be special, then try making her the landlady.
v If you are planning to get any eatables, then chocolates would really flatter her.
v Before you give her those biggies, start with a simple rose.
v Some women also have a liking for soft toys, so gift her a cute teddy bear
v Do you want to make her look more beautiful, so then gift her cosmetic products, which has shades that suit her.
v Cards have a very special way of transferring your love, so why not follow this traditional way of passing cards.
v Gift her a mobile phone, a new model would be best
v A calm candle light dinner would be great to open up your love feelings to her.

Gifts for men
v Men are always used to buying gifts, so now it’s your time to give him a special gift.
v Buying gifts for men can be difficult sometimes, but I’m sure your man would fall for a stylish watch.
v Men usually don’t like wearing jewelry. But they might change this attitude if you buy them a silver ring or a metallic bracelet.
v A bottle of champagne would be a perfect gift if you are willing to spend a lot on him.
v If your man is a sports lover then a pair of tickets to any game would make him float. But this time you have to accompany him!
v Is he a techno freak, then you could gift him any new gadgets or devices.
v If you want this Valentines Day to be special then try to cook a tasty meal for him. It’s said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

So make a difference in the lives of your loved ones, and make this valentines season extra special. A little gesture of today would serve to be lovely memories through out your life.



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