Search Engine

Partnership Deal between Yahoo and MSN

With Google being the present leader in the search engine kingdom, other competitors confront a massive mountain to climb if they need to emerge as the winner. Research firm comScore reported that in July, Google claimed an enormous 66 percent of the total search traffic within the United States. Much behind were Yahoo with 17 percent and Microsoft’s Bing with 11 percent .Rather than uniting with Google or being absorbed by them, Bing and Yahoo decided to be united in their quest for preeminence in the search engine market.Within the last couple months, Bing and Yahoo announced that they would become partners in order to unite their efforts to take up the number two spot in search engine market share and take direct aim at Google’s top spot.

The amalgamation is a great move for Yahoo, for whom the market share dropped over the last year. For the moment, Bing, which began in 2009, has seen its share steadily climb. While Yahoo brings abundant search engine experience to the table, Bing can bring can launch a fresh start to the partnership.


Presently, Bing is powering Yahoo’s search results in English within the United States as well as Canada. People who visit Yahoo’s search will notice “Powered by Bing™” at the bottom of each page to officially indicate the partnership between the two services.

In future, other languages are expected to be added for more of an global flair. In addition to the standard search engine services, Bing and Yahoo will also merge their advertising services. Yahoo and MSN are working on a total shift over to Microsoft’s adCenter, which is the company’s advertising service that provides pay-per-click advertisements to those involved. They hope to complete the shift this fall, appropriate for the holiday season. Bing and Yahoo will divide advertising revenue once everything is finished.

It would be interesting to notice how search engine technologies develop as competition increases, and what type of response Google will have in this search engine race.

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Exclusive SEO Training Seminar in India by Global Internet Marketing Guru, Bruce Clay

Bruce Clay,international Internet Marketing Guru is on his first visit to India to carry out an exclusive 3 day SEO Training Seminar from 3rd to 5th of August 2010 in Gurgaon,India.

The 3 day Bruce Clay SEO Training Program will reveal how to develop rankings of a website in search engines as well as increase traffic to the same. This program is efficiently intended for Online Marketers & Advertisers, Entrepreneurs,Webmasters, IT Managers, SEO Analysts, as well as people working within the Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Industries. The Training Program is based on over 10 years of search engine research and includes SEO basics to advanced concepts and methodologies.

Bruce Clay has been conducting SEO training for over 8 years with courses now held in United States, Italy, Japan, South Africa as well as Australia.

This exclusive 2010 SEO Training Program comprises of rising trends & practical strategies for Social Media. It also includes popular topics like receiving high rankings in search engines and escalating click through rates from searches.

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