The South Carolina Youth Leadership Forum is a summer experience where you can become a leader for disability rights — all while having fun.

Presbyterian College July 21-24, 2024


Become a leader in your community.

The South Carolina Youth Leadership Forum is an opportunity for young adults with disabilities living in South Carolina to cultivate leadership skills and learn how to become an advocate in their community. Selected delegates typically stay on a college campus for three nights to learn about independent living and advocacy in a safe and supportive setting while building relationships with other young adults from around the state.


SC Youth Leadership Forum Sponsors


Are you eligible to attend? SC YLF applicants must…

Image of the number one

Have a disability.

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Live in South Carolina.

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Fall within the 15-23-year-old age range. (High school juniors, seniors and recent high school graduates accepted.)

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Show leadership potential at school or in the community.


What can I expect at SC YLF?

A group of 2019 delegates in a classroom interacting with one another and smiling/laughing. Below is a small icon of an achievement ribbon in yellow.

Hands-on activities to develop leadership skills

Delegates sitting at desks in a college classroom listen to a speaker giving an engaging talk. One delegate has their hand raised.

Sessions and discussions with a selection of notable speakers

A group of delegates stand and sit outside smiling and striking silly poses. Below is a small icon of two people high-fiving in teal.

Relationship and team building

Four delegates of diverse races do stretching exercises while indoors with hands in the air.

Inclusive mind and body exercises
