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 All results are for release 9AM/ET Sunday, September 23, 2018.
The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). The poll was conducted by telephone with live interviewers September 16-19, 2018 among a random national sample of 1,003 registered voters (RV). Results based on the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three  percentage points. A subsample of 818 has been defined as likely voters (LV), with a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points. Landline (352) and cellphone (651) telephone numbers were randomly selected for inclusion in the survey using a probability proportionate to size method, which means phone numbers for each state are proportional to the number of voters in each state. Fieldwork conducted by Braun Research, Inc. of Princeton, NJ.
 Results are of registered voters, unless otherwise noted.
An asterisk (*) is used for percentages of less than one-half percent. A dash (-) represents a value of zero. Some percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. In the same way, percentages in “total” columns may be one point more or less than the sum of their component parts due to rounding. Results from Fox News polls before February 2011 were conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corp.
1. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president?
 Is that strongly (approve/disapprove), or only somewhat?
 ** President Trump Job Ratings Summary Among Registered Voters **
Approve Disapprove (Don’t know)
Latest (16-19 Sep 18) 44% 52 3 High (11-13 Feb 17) 48% 47 6 Low (22-24 Oct 17) 38% 57 5 Average (2017-Present) 44% 52 4 -------------Approve------------- ----------Disapprove---------- (Don’t know)
TOTAL Strongly Somewhat TOTAL Somewhat Strongly
Likely Voters
16-19 Sep 18 46% 31 16 52 7 45 2
Registered Voters
16-19 Sep 18 44% 27 18 52 9 43 3 19-21 Aug 18 45% 25 19 53 10 44 2 9-11 Jul 18 46% 28 18 51 10 41 3 3-6 Jun 18 45% 27 18 51 10 41 4 22-24 Apr 18 44% 27 18 53 12 41 3 18-21 Mar 18 45% 27 18 52 8 44 2 10-13 Feb 18 43% 30 13 53 8 45 3 21-23 Jan 18 45% 27 18 53 12 41 2 22-24 Oct 17
 38% 25 12 57 8 49 5 24-26 Sep 17 42% 26 17 53 8 45 5 27-29 Aug 17 41% 28 13 55 10 44 4 16-18 Jul 17 41% 27 14 53 7 45 6 25-27 Jun 17 44% 29 15 50 7 43 6 21-23 May 17
40% 28 12 53 8 46 7 23-25 Apr 17 45% 30 15 48 9 39 7 12-14 Mar 17 43% 30 13 51 7 45 6 11-13 Feb 17
 48% 35 13 47 5 41 6 2. How would you rate the Trump administration’s response to Hurricane Florence? Excellent Good Only fair Poor (Don’t know) 16-19 Sep 18 LV 25% 20 19 21 15 16-19 Sep 18 RV 22% 21 19 20 18
October 22-24, 2017 results for reference: How would you rate the Trump administration’s response to recent hurricanes in…  Houston? 21% 31 24 21 3  Florida? 20% 29 23 24 5  Puerto Rico? 16% 16 14 50 4
3.-5. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling the following issues?
[RANDOMIZE LIST] Summary Table Among Registered Voters
Approve Disapprove (Don’t know) The economy 50% 42 9 Immigration 41% 54 5 Health care 38% 52 10 Approve Disapprove (Don’t know) The economy
Likely Voters
16-19 Sep 18 52% 42 6
Registered Voters
16-19 Sep 18 50% 42 9 19-21 Aug 18 49% 44 7 9-11 Jul 18 53% 43 5 3-6 Jun 18 52% 41 7 22-24 Apr 18 47% 47 6 18-21 Mar 18 51% 44 6 21-23 Jan 18 51% 41 8 22-24 Oct 17 44% 49 7 24-26 Sep 17 49% 43 8 27-29 Aug 17 49% 43 8 16-18 Jul 17 45% 46 9 25-27 Jun 17 48% 43 8 23-25 Apr 17 48% 44 8 12-14 Mar 17 47% 44 9 Immigration
Likely Voters
16-19 Sep 18 42% 54 4
Registered Voters
16-19 Sep 18 41% 54 5 19-21 Aug 18 39% 57 4 9-11 Jul 18 43% 55 2 3-6 Jun 18 43% 52 5 22-24 Apr 18 43% 52 5 18-21 Mar 18 41% 55 4 21-23 Jan 18 40% 54 6 24-26 Sep 17 39% 57 4 27-29 Aug 17 43% 54 3 16-18 Jul 17 42% 53 6 23-25 Apr 17 44% 54 3 12-14 Mar 17 41% 56 3

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