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 November 9, 2023
The Honorable Charles Schumer 
Senate Majority Leader United States Senate S-221 U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Majority Leader Schumer:
I am writing to you not just as a constituent but as the mother of Eric Garner, a name painfully etched in our nation's memory. My family has witnessed unimaginable and irreversible harm resulting from well-intended policies that, when put into practice, have devastating consequences. It is with a sense of urgency that I express my concerns regarding the FDA’s proposed ban on menthol cigarettes and the unintended consequences it could have on communities of color,  particularly on African-American communities.
I do not encourage, support, or promote smoking. However, while the intentions behind the FDAs  proposed menthol cigarette ban are to improve the health of Black people, the potential for it to hurt Blacks and Hispanics cannot be overlooked.
Menthol cigarettes are preferred by Blacks who choose to smoke. A ban on these products risks creating an illicit market, which could, in turn, lead to increased negative encounters with police in communities of color. We have seen the dangerous interactions that can occur when the sale of loose cigarettes is criminalized, as was tragically the case with my son, Eric. I am afraid that well-intentioned policies, without thorough and inclusive study, may ultimately serve to make systemic inequities worse. Senator Schumer, you have been a longstanding advocate for the people of New York and have shown a commitment to tackling tough issues with both courage and compassion. It is with respect for your role and faith in your leadership that I urge you to lend your voice to those of us who harbor legitimate concerns about the FDAs proposed menthol ban.
A ban could potentially trigger an increase in policing of Black and Hispanic communities for non-violent offenses, undermine the efforts to build trust between law enforcement and communities of color and contribute to a cycle of incarceration that we have worked hard to break.
I, along with other members of affected communities of color, propose that the Biden-Harris Administration and its allies in Congress take a step back to review the implications of a menthol  ban. We request that a commission be established that will conduct a thorough racial impact study and get input from leaders in communities of color before proceeding with any ban on menthol cigarettes.
Senator Schumer, your influence and leadership would ensure that our approach to public health does not come at the expense of justice. We urge you to promote a dialogue that includes the voices of those most at risk of being hurt by this policy.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this matter. I look forward to your response and am hopeful for your support as we seek to protect communities of color from unintended consequences while striving toward a healthier future for all.
Gwen Carr 
Mother of Eric Garner 

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