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ScotCHEM is the strategic alliance for chemical sciences in Scotland – enabling knowledge exchange, research & translation, growing the chemical industries, delivering the skills needed for future jobs and engaging with communities

Connecting the chemical sciences through knowledge exchange and partnerships


ScotCHEM connects industry, academia, government, the 3rd sector and communities. We broker partnerships to support and grow chemical sciences education and engagement, research and innovation, and the chemical industries in Scotland.

Together, its members deliver at scale, collaborate across sectors, and collectively build recognition of the value of chemical sciences.


ScotChem Polymer & Soft Materials III Conference

13-14 June 2024

Polymer & Soft Materials Conference Programme available HERE


ScotChem Computational Chemistry Symposium 2024

20 June 2024

Computation Chemistry Symposium Programme available HERE


Universities of Scotland Inorganic Chemistry 2024 Meeting

25-26 June 2024

Further details HERE


Pale Green Background with the conference logo in the upper left-hand corner. ScotChem and University of St Andrews Logos are in the lower left-hand corner in line with the conference logo above. Top right-hand corner text: “International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry for Net Zero” The conference date is “10-13 June 2025” and “St Andrews, Scotland” is in the lower right-hand corner.

International Conference of Sustainable Chemistry for Net Zero 2025

SAVE THE DATE: 10-13 June 2025

Further details HERE


Free Online Protein-Ligand Docking Course

Easy and FREE way to teach and learn molecular docking from scratch!

Standalone set of training materials for postgraduate students or adapt it to be part of a course.

The Docking Course is available to download here 

If you download and use these resources, please acknowledge ScotCHEM.


National Materials Innovation Strategy

The Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials has appointed an expert team comprising ScotCHEM,  Perspective Economics and Urban Foresight to engage stakeholders across the materials science community in the development of a new National Materials Innovation Strategy.

ScotCHEM is the project lead and, with the team, will expand on the Framework for the strategy, working across the research community to develop both the econometric data and the wider underpinning evidence necessary for scoping, definition and appropriate groupings of:

  • National and industrial sector priorities, including trends and drivers, market needs and industrial sectors
  • Key application and process developments to which materials innovation can contribute via value-creation opportunities
  • Material innovations to support these applications and processes and further highlight the need for cross-sector collaborations
  • The associated non-technological supporting enablers, such as skills development, regulation and finance

The project team will work under the direction of the new Materials Innovation Leadership Group, which has been established by Royce to oversee and champion the development of this important new Strategy that will tackle the major challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the UK.

Development of the Strategy will run from now until the end of 2024, with the first stakeholder workshops being planned for later this year.

Materials underpin manufacturing, and the UK is one of the largest global manufacturing nations, contributing £203 billion every year to GVA and supporting 5 million jobs. 84% of this manufacturing takes place outside of London and the South East.

We look forward to working with industry, government, academia and the 3rd sector to develop this significant strategy for the UK.

For enquiries, please contact NSMI@st-andrews.ac.uk

Keep up to date with the Strategy development – sign up to the Henry Royce Institute Newsletter



Barriers to decarbonising the chemical industries

In May this year, we brought together key stakeholders from industry, academia, government and the NGO sector to identify key barriers to the decarbonisation of the chemical industries, and potential solutions to those barriers.

ScotCHEM is now working with various partners to drive outcomes from the meeting.

You can download the meeting report here:

Barriers to decarbonising the chemical industries 27_May_2022 – Summary Outcomes LR



Just Transition to a Net Zero Carbon Society

ScotCHEM was pleased to partner with RIS, KTN, ETP and SRPe to deliver the 3rd workshop in the series: Just Transition to a Net Zero Carbon Society. The report from the workshop can be accessed here together with the reports from workshops one and two.



The website is currently undergoing a major overhaul. Events and new initiatives will be kept up to date, but other information may not be current. Please contact us directly for more details: scotchem@st-andrews.ac.uk