Social Sciences

Training Can Improve IQ After All- Study

Until recently, the debate about intelligence had little in the way of data, with proponents of genetic factors in IQ squared off against proponents of environmental factors without any gaining much ground. But new research, led by Swiss postdoctoral fello ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 5 2008 - 11:04pm

2collab Survey Reveals That Scientists And Researchers Are "All Business" With Social Applications

AMSTERDAM, June 9 /PRNewswire/--- Social Media Will Have Major Influence on key Aspects of Research Within Five Years ...

Article - Anna Ohlden - Jun 9 2008 - 3:30am

With All The Talk About Empowering Girls, Boys Are Getting Neglected

Both boys and girls have issues but boys are  getting a raw deal, according to Judith Kleinfeld, professor of psychology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in the US. It's commonplace to hear about gender-specific issues involving girls but when th ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 8 2009 - 11:19am

Dog's 'Guilty Look' Is All In Your Head

Can you tell when your dog has done something wrong by his appearance?   Not really, says Alexandra Horowitz, Assistant Professor from Barnard College in New York, in Behavioural Processes.   It's mostly what you want to see. Horowitz was able to show ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 11 2009 - 12:31pm

Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds- Especially If You Keep Asking About Them

The Columbine school shooting in the US and Dawson College in Canada are examples of recent traumatic events that, due to their broad timeframe, allow researchers to examine their residual impact. The Columbine shooting occurred in 1999 and was followed by ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 29 2009 - 9:04pm

Animal Rights Activists Hurt Science And Aren't All That Great For Animals Either

There have been increasingly violent attacks against scientists by animal rights activists in the last few years and partisan groups that can recite the name of every abortion provider killed by extreme pro-life people haven't taken much of a stand a ...

Article - News Staff - Sep 15 2009 - 6:53pm

Rock-Paper-Scissors: Not So Random After All?

Rock-paper-scissors (henceforth, it shall be known as RPS) is a game, or method to determine who has to do something nobody really wants to do. The rules are pretty well-known. The players simultaneously form a rock, paper or scissors gesture with their h ...

Article - Gunnar De Winter - Jul 20 2011 - 3:18am

The Unconscious: It's All The Rave

In the last year, I've had the occasion to review several books that deal with the unconscious mind. Each author has had an interesting take on the same material, and it's been illuminating to see how writers with different areas of expertise han ...

Article - Kim Wombles - Aug 8 2012 - 8:42pm

All Summer Jobs Are Good For Kids

In the US, there is constant discussion about minimum wage and little recognition that those jobs are just that- a minimum wage and not a career. They are for young people and people starting out, it isn't expected that minimum wage is the goal. Inst ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 7 2014 - 3:06pm

All Pets Help Children With Autism Gain Sociality

Pets play an important role in our social lives and they can act as catalysts for social interaction, previous research has shown, because pets often serve as "social lubricants." Although much media attention has focused on how dogs can improve ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 3 2015 - 9:00am