Science Education & Policy

Can World Hunger Ever Be Eliminated? Not Using Europe Or The UN

Wealthy countries with natural 'breadbaskets'- places where it is easy to grow food- have so much abundance they can put special labels like 'organic' on tens of thousands of products and charge more and people will spend $100 billion o ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 4 2024 - 10:07am

Sexism In Math Education: A Feminist Sociology Journal Finds Some

During the educational reform efforts of the No Child Left Behind Act, females achieved parity with males on math tests for the first time in history, yet stereotypes die hard.  Some people think females are just not as good at math.  Is there truth to it? ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 9 2024 - 8:22am

On Rating Universities

In a world where we live hostages of advertisement, where our email addresses and phone numbers are sold and bought by companies eager to intrude in our lives and command our actions, preferences, tastes; in a world where appearance trumps substance 10 to ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Apr 18 2024 - 12:01pm

To Embrace Alternative Energy, Europe Made Itself Reliant On Russian Conventional- Now Farmers Are Out Of Business

European governments will tell you they have shown 'leadership' in combating CO2 emissions. What they leave out of media briefings is that they are lying, and always have been. The original climate treaty, the Kyoto accord, was written by Germany ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 19 2024 - 3:47pm

End The Secret Scandal In Women’s Healthcare

What often-debilitating condition affects up to 75 percent of women and has long been ignored by the US healthcare system? The answer is uterine fibroids. ...

Article - Jessica Foley - Apr 19 2024 - 3:57pm

For Earth Day, Do Your Part: Fly Somewhere To Talk About Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Apparently the EPA has not yet discovered how to do a video conference. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that Administrator Gina McCarthy will promote President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to cut carbon pollution, slow the effects of ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 22 2024 - 9:39am

Vermont Should Stop Showing Leadership In Overruling Scientists On Farming

Despite Vermont's Agricultural  Innovation Board (AIB), created to inform regulatory recommendations using science, flatly stating there was no basis for a ban on a class of safe pesticides called neonicotinoids, and agreement by Vermont’s Agency of A ...

Article - Hank Campbell - May 1 2024 - 1:03pm

The Upside To AI And Young Creativity

Artificial Intelligence- AI- isn't really AI at all, which may be why it has been so disappointing to companies that aren't trying to sell you a new leaf blower. Instead of doing something practical, like the dishes or laundry so you have more ti ...

Article - Hank Campbell - May 31 2024 - 1:35pm

EPA Gives Personal Information On Farmers To Environmental Activists

The Environmental Protection Agency has always been a political beast- it is political appointees accountable to whatever administration is in power, not the electorate. President Richard Nixon created it, that should tell you something. ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jun 18 2024 - 12:00pm

People Lie On Surveys And When It Comes To Guns, Women And Minorities Want Government To Know The Least

A crippling flaw in much epidemiology is that it takes survey results as truthful and then seeks to correlate that to some benefit or harm. It's why epidemiologists said butter was bad and trans fats were good, until butter was good and trans fats wer ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jun 18 2024 - 6:14pm