
Hypothalamus Differences In Obese People

Obesity is closing in on smoking and alcohol as the top killer among lifestyle diseases. Over 25 percent of the world is overweight and in countries like the UK and US, that number is approaching 70 percent. It is correlated to things like heart disease. I ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Aug 10 2023 - 1:16pm

Crossmodal: Your Sense Of Smell May Change The Colors You See

Our five senses are gathering information at all times. One way our brain sorts the abundance of information is by combining information from two or more senses, such as between smells and the smoothness of textures, or pitch, color, and musical dimensions ...

Article - News Staff - Oct 6 2023 - 9:06am

Excess Fluoride In African Wells Linked To Cognitive Impairment In Kids

The benefits of fluoridated water are well-established but when nature rather than science is in charge it can be harmful. The dose makes the poison and over 200 million people worldwide are estimated to be exposed to high fluoride levels in their drinking ...

Article - News Staff - Oct 27 2023 - 11:34am

Seizures Implicated In SIDS And SUDC Deaths

An examination of more than 300 sudden, unexpected deaths in young children, which usually occur during sleep,  commonly known as SIDS in babies or SUDC in toddlers, including extensive medical record analysis and video evidence donated by families to docu ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 4 2024 - 5:23pm

Beta Blockers For Anxiety

Beta blockers are drugs primarily for treating high blood pressure and arrhythmias. They work blocking a hormone known as epinephrine, better known as adrenaline- the same hormone that floods our bodies during times of anxiety and stress. That’s why beta b ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 8 2024 - 2:54pm

Mouse Study Correlates Diabetes To Alzheimer’s

A recent study in mice suggests the the liver is key in a molecular link that may also cause humans with diabetes to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is overwhelmingly in obese people so if the findings in mice ever appl ...

Article - News Staff - Mar 25 2024 - 12:35am

Does Voting Make Epigenetic Changes?

We know that voting changes your brain a little- just reading that sentence changed your brain a little, so actions and behaviors certainly change us.  But does voting change your descendants? Epigenetics is really a nascent field and that means there is a ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 11 2024 - 11:52am

Scared Out Of Your Mind: Halloween, Fear And The Brain

Children and adults alike are digging out those spooky costumes ready for a celebration. We’ve reached that time of year again: Halloween. October 31 is dedicated to remembering the dead. We’ve all experienced fear, but Halloween is the particular time of ...

Article - The Conversation - Jul 19 2024 - 1:32pm