
Novel Hydride Could Lead To Hydrogen Storage For Cars

Hydrogen is the fuel of the future. Unfortunately, one problem remains: Hydrogen is a gas and cannot easily be pumped into a tank like gasoline. Storage in the form of solid hydrides, chemical compounds of hydrogen and a metal or semimetal, are good storag ...

Article - News Staff - Dec 21 2007 - 11:17am

Algae Into Fuel Is Getting A New Look

By the time Congress mandated ethanol subsidies and usage in 2005, it was difficult to find anyone in the environmental community who thought it was a good idea- even Al Gore, who championed it for almost two decades, is against it now. Worse, while in vog ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 15 2008 - 2:01pm

Planning Rational Biomass Production

It's possible to generate energy by growing plant material and burning it. If managed well, most of the carbon released by burning the material will be captured by the growing plants, and so have a low impact on overall levels of atmospheric carbon di ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 15 2008 - 11:32pm

New Drilling Techniques Could Boost Natural Gas Production In The US

Natural gas distributed throughout the Marcellus black shale in northern Appalachia could conservatively boost proven U.S. reserves by trillions of cubic feet if gas production companies employ horizontal drilling techniques, according to a Penn State and ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 17 2008 - 11:33am

BioGold Fuels To Build 1,000 Ton-per-day Waste-to-fuel Plant In The Dominican Republic

LOS ANGELES, January 17 /PRNewswire/-- BioGold Fuels Corporation, in a joint venture with Bioteknia, has entered into a letter of intent to build a waste to fuel production facility in the Dominican Republic. Bioteknia will provide the contracts for the l ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 17 2008 - 5:26pm

Supercapacitor Respect: UltraBattery Reaches 100,000 Miles In A Hybrid Car

The odometer of a low emission hybrid electric test vehicle today reached 100,000 miles as the car circled a track in the UK using the power of an advanced CSIRO battery system. The UltraBattery combines a supercapacitor and a lead acid battery in a single ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 20 2008 - 8:30am

Nano-Size Crystalline Cage Triples Methane Storage

In a major advance in alternative fuel technology, researchers report development of a sponge-like material with the highest methane storage capacity ever measured. It can hold almost one-third more methane than the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) target ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 21 2008 - 12:04pm

Philips Patents Triple Port Energy Return System

In a project funded by Technology Foundation STW, Haimin Tao examined the conditions a good regulation system for energy transfer must meet. As the sources and storage elements vary considerably in terms of aspects such as voltage level, the conventional c ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 24 2008 - 11:20am

Sequenced: Bacterium That Harvests Energy By Making Rare Form Of Chlorophyll

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and Arizona State University have sequenced the genome of a rare bacterium that harvests light energy by making an even rarer form of chlorophyll, chlorophyll d. Chlorophyll d absorbs ��red edge,” near infra ...

Article - News Staff - Feb 5 2008 - 2:10am

Greenish, Not Green: Hybrid Vehicles Slow Real 'Green' Development

Hybrid electric vehicles, using both conventional gasoline and stored electricity, are at best a stop-gap and, at worst, slow development of more sustainable fuel-cell powered electric vehicles, say researchers in France. Jean-Jacques Chanaron Research Dir ...

Article - News Staff - Feb 7 2008 - 12:09pm