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It’s not mathematically correct, but I’ve long believed that 1+1=3 — that people working together can accomplish more than each person working on their own.

One sport that’s all about teamwork is competitive sailing. There is hardly any task on a racing yacht that a person can accomplish on their own; trusted teammates are needed to get things done safely and quickly. And sailors know: To win a race, the team must act as one.

As an avid competitive sailor, Malin Burnham understands and values teamwork. He’s woven those principles into the Burnham Center for Community Engagement (BCCA), a “think-and-do tank” that officially opened its doors last summer. BCCA envisions making the San Diego binational region a better place to live, work and play for all, drawing on the power of community.

BCCA notched an early win. In November, San Diego-Tijuana was selected as the World Design Capital for 2024. The bid showcased the ways our region is taking a human-centered approach to design, building more interconnected communities to address global problems like climate change and social inequity. BCCA was one of the organizations that spearheaded the bid campaign, the result of a multi-year effort led by a binational team of designers, innovators and civic leaders.

So, in true Burnham fashion, it was a collaborative effort.

Along with the World Design Capital bid, BCCA’s early priorities include revitalizing Balboa Park, increasing economic opportunities for all, improving housing affordability, and helping rebuild our community fabric.

Burnham’s community focus was sharpened by reading he did three years ago. He was struck by society’s shift away from community and the consequences it’s had: a loss of connection — even among neighbors — and deepening polarization.

But Burnham has long been community minded. In 2016, he authored a book called “Community Before Self: Seventy Years of Making Waves.” The book explains how anyone can live a life of integrity and purposeful giving, regardless of their income, political views or age.

Burnham invited the National Conflict Resolution Center to become one of BCCA’s early partners. Last summer, we launched the Civic Engagement Initiative with support from the San Diego County Health and Human Services Administration, as part of the Live Well Exchange. We work with BCCA to facilitate conversation between project stakeholders, a process that begins with the discovery of shared values.

Over six months, participants built a cohesive community bond. That led to a shift away from competitive thinking toward more collaborative, inclusive problem solving and decision making. It also led to a realization: that sustainable outcomes are more likely when all voices and interests are heard.

NCRC facilitated four dialogue events. In a session that focused on reorienting toward collaboration, we led an exercise called “Just Seven Things.” It’s a different take on the principles of teamwork that focuses on the need to collaborate and compromise when stakes are high and time is short.

Participants are told that in approximately 10 minutes, they will be teleported to an uninhabited island. They must work together to identify just seven things their group can bring to survive indefinitely. The items must be real; all seven must be able to fit into a large backpack or duffel bag. They are divided into small groups and given just seven minutes to complete the exercise.

Eden Yaege participated in the Civic Engagement Initiative. Yaege is immediate past president of the Clairemont Town Council and serves on the organizing committee of the San Diego Network of Town Councils.

When Yaege was approached to join the group, she couldn’t imagine adding something to an already full plate. By the second session, she was anxious to pick a project and wondered, what is all this talking? At the third meeting, Yaege had her moment of understanding: The goal is the process.

It came to light for her during the island exercise. Yaege said, “I found that (our group) produced a much better list when everyone was free to participate and be heard. We were able to discuss the pros and cons based on a level of trust. Everyone was working toward a shared goal. This led to more suggestions and better decisions, as the goal was to listen — not just be right.”

Yaege also told us that participation gave her a better understanding of the commonality of issues across the region, as well as tools to build a more civil community. She has learned the power of a group having shared principles.

That’s just what Burnham knew would happen.

Dinkin is president of the National Conflict Resolution Center, a San Diego-based group working to create solutions to challenging issues, including intolerance and incivility. To learn about NCRC’s programming, visit

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