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Question: Should there be a noise tax, paid at the time of purchase,  on  cars and motorcycles that make excessive noise?

Phil Blair, Manpower

NO:  As a past Harley-Davidson rider, I know motorcycles can be as loud or quiet as their owners want them to be. This is not a be-as- loud-as-you-want if you are willing to pay a tax.  This is  literally a  “disturbing the peace” issue, and either the machines should not be mechanically able to produce noise over a certain decibel or there are serious fines for exceeding noise levels in public places.  An option to pay a fee to exceed common courtesy should not be available.

Kelly Cunningham, National University System

NO:  Existing noise ordinances presumably limit decibels of motorized vehicles, which already cost more for noise abatement equipment or mufflers. Enforce existing noise restrictions, instead of extracting ever more taxes from citizens. California state sales, income and gasoline taxes are already among the highest in the U.S. This appears yet another way to extract more taxes from law-abiding residents. Would imposing the tax legally allow vehicles to make excessive noise all the time?


David Ely, San Diego State University

NO: Even if a tax leads manufacturers to produce quiet cars and motorcycles, owners could still modify their vehicles after the purchase.  Thus, a tax would not be very effective in reducing noise pollution. For homes, parks and restaurants located near highways or in city centers, excessive noise is caused not by a few noisy vehicles but by the collective noise of many.  The tax would not help to solve noise pollution in these areas.

Gina Champion-Cain, American National Investments


NO:  There is no limit to our collective desire to regulate and tax ourselves out of existence.  We could come up with some form of use tax to either dissuade or mitigate damage caused by any act.  Most any act could be deemed to be “damaging” to some aggrieved party.  I won’t participate.  

Alan Gin, University of San Diego

YES:  This is the classic case of a negative externality in economics.  A transaction — in this case, the purchase of a vehicle — has a negative impact on someone not involved in the transaction.  Because the purchaser doesn’t take into account the negative impact, too much of the product is produced and purchased.  One way to deal with this externality is to impose a tax — a “Pigouvian” tax — which causes the buyer to internalize the externality.

James Hamilton, UC San Diego

NO:  California already has strong noise standards.  For example, motorcycles manufactured since 1985 can’t be above 80 decibels.  When you hear an exceptionally loud motorcycle, it probably was modified after purchase, so an added tax paid at time of purchase wouldn’t do anything about that.  If the proposal is to replace existing standards with a tax, the noise would probably increase, as some riders would willingly pay for the extra power.

Gary London, London Group of Realty Advisors

NO:  This is a regressive tax that would unfairly penalize Harley owners, and reward owners of Tesla vehicles. There would be no discernible noise reduction, as most motorcycle purchasers would pay the extra fee, which would be a modest increase relative to purchasing a high priced, quiet vehicle like a Tesla. If noise constitutes a broad community concern, the fairer approach might be to regulate noisy vehicles through state auto codes. The broader point may be that quiet, electric vehicles will achieve greater market share without any regulation. Problem solved.

Norm Miller, University of San Diego

YES: We would need to define “excessive” as something loud, like that Harley-Davidson rider who throttled his engine as he passed the 101 Diner, scaring dogs and babies and making some diners spill coffee.  I’d like to see him pay a noise tax or else make him listen to loud music he hates for each minute he rides his bike in public spaces! We charge fines for late airport landings and charging a fee to those who vibrate our coffee might make the world more peaceful.  

Jamie Moraga, IntelliSolutions

NO:  Adding additional taxes, such as an “excessive noise” tax, would be more detrimental than helpful.  It’s a slippery slope.  Once you start taxing “excessive noise” on motorcycles or cars, then what’s next?  Anytime a tax is imposed, it has a trickle-down effect, which can impact the economy.  It’s not the government’s role to overreach into our everyday lives  —  it already has its hands full with many other priorities. We should be reducing and eliminating taxes not creating more. 

Gail Naughton, Histogen

YES: Noise-emitting equipment and vehicles disturb the peace and have a negative impact on the environment. “Green taxes,”  or pollution taxes, are excise taxes on environmental pollutants and provide clear incentives to polluters to reduce emissions and seek out cleaner alternatives. Similar taxes should be imposed on those who intentionally pollute the environment by purchasing cars and motorcycles designed to emit extremely disturbing levels of sound.

Austin Neudecker, Rev

NO:  Taxes or initial fees imply unnecessarily loud noises are paid for and acceptable. Further, many vehicles are modified to be louder after purchase. Vehicles that make excessive noise should simply not be allowed to disturb residential and business areas. I would encourage strict enforcement of disruptive, attention grabbing noise with hefty fines. These disruptions — to sleep, conducting business — are invasions into private spaces. In rural or possibly industrial areas, exceptions could be acceptable.

Bob Rauch, R.A. Rauch & Associates

He is not participating this week.

Lynn Reaser, Point Loma Nazarene University

NO: Individuals who enjoy or feel empowered by noise could alter their vehicles or purchase noise amplification devices in the after-market.  California law already requires that all registered vehicles be equipped with adequate mufflers and California Highway Patrol officers can cite any individual driving a vehicle emitting excessive, harsh, or offensive noise.  An easier and more effective way to reduce noise pollution would be to press for a more active enforcement of existing law.

John Sarkisian, SKLZ

NO:  I would be the first one to agree that loud vehicles are annoying, obnoxious and an irritant. But there are more issues facing our region that deserve attention and possible taxation. Let’s figure out how to get more people out of vehicles and on foot, bicycles or public transportation. Our overall quality of life will be vastly improved with less single driver vehicles on the road. 

Dan Seiver, Reilly Financial Advisors

YES:  But the devil is in the details. Excessive vehicle noise may be loved by the driver but it imposes costs on the rest of us. Economists often recommend a tax to correct this “externality.” But what will prevent a buyer from using aftermarket equipment to turn a quiet vehicle into a noisy one? Will the tax be a flat tax, or graduated by the extent of the noise? What level of noise will be acceptable when? Trucks exempt?

Chris Van Gorder, Scripps Health

NO:  I’m not in favor of taxation to control behavior or looking for behaviors we don’t like and using those as an excuse to create a tax.  If you want to outlaw excessive noise, pass those specific laws.  I am in favor of a tax overhaul to create a fair tax program for all.  The process we have now encourages special interests and unfair tax programs that target the few instead of a fair program for all.

Have an idea for an EconoMeter question? Email me at

Follow me on Twitter: @rogershowley

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