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Learn about Persian classical music and the setar on which it is played this Sunday in Rancho Bernardo.

Kourosh Taghavi, a Rancho Bernardo resident for the past decade who emigrated to the U.S. from Iran in 1984, said he started playing the setar in 1989. It is an Iranian musical instrument in the lute family.

“It is a very old instrument, half in a pear shaped box,” he said. 

“It’s not an easy instrument, by any stretch of the imagination, but like with all instruments, with enough practice you can love it,” Taghavi said.

Taghavi said he was attracted to the setar the first time he heard it played. “The first strums on the strings touched my soul,” he said. “I was thinking of becoming a doctor, by that changed it and I became devoted to music.”

He has performed in venues across the United States, Europe and Asia and is composing music for an upcoming tour that will include stops on the East and West coasts, he said. Taghavi also teaches Persian classical music at San Diego Unified School District campuses through a program with the Center for World Music, at San Diego State University and at a few private schools in the Poway area.

When Taghavi performs at the Ed Brown Center for Active Adults as part of its 3 p.m. Jan. 15 installment of its “Sunday Afternoons @ 3” series, he will not only play the setar, but share with the audience a little history of Persian classical music, he said.

According to Taghavi it will likely be a new experience for attendees since “I doubt in mainstream (music) they have come across it.”

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. They can be purchased at the show or in advance between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays by calling 858-487-9324 or going to the center at 18402 W. Bernardo Drive in Rancho Bernardo Community Park.


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