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When the Chargers announced their move to Los Angeles Thursday, they unveiled an L.A.-themed logo that quickly became the subject of tons of jokes and memes on social media.

It was so close to the L.A. Dodgers’ logo that other sports teams ripped the Chargers for what they’d done.

Friday morning, fans saw something new from the organization. The Chargers had changed the colors.

It didn’t take long before someone noticed just how closely the new logo looked to another legendary Los Angeles sports institution.

Let the roasting begin. The official fan site for the Bruins clapped back sooooo fast.

Then everyone else joined in with the trolling.

To be fair, some people did think the new colors were an improvement.

UPDATE: The Chargers have now introduced a third logo.

What do you think of the color change? Send us a tweet to @sdutideas.


Twitter: @abbyhamblin


Other sports teams are roasting the Chargers for their new logo, L.A. move

Chargers’ new logo is basically an italicized L.A. Dodgers logo

Feeling jilted by the San Diego Chargers? Here are your options


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