
     SafeLabeling.org is a non-profit organization whose initiative is to create a standard in website labeling, so that adult orientated sites can efficiently and effectively keep minors off their websites. The solution we are proposing is a both simple and yet very effective way for adult webmasters to label their sites. Once this is implemented browsers, filtering software, firewalls, etc.. can easily block either a portion of a website or the entire domain. The key to this solution is its simplicity and effectiveness.

     We have already been successful in getting thousands of websites to properly label themselves. With increasing exposure more sites will participate in this labeling standard. We hope to surpass the 100,000 mark by the end of 2006.

     This is a mission that requires everyone to unite and participate by contributing time and properly labeling their sites. Please help us by spreading the word, emailing webmasters, or adding our graphic to their site. If we all do our part, this solution will successfully keep minors off adult orientated sites.

SafeLabeling.org Team   


� 2006 SafeLabeling.org