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Goatdog's Movies is not a Tomatometer-approved publication. Reviews from this publication only count toward the Tomatometer® when written by the following Tomatometer-approved critic(s): Michael W. Phillips, Jr..

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Rating Title | Year Author Quote
Sherlock, Jr. (1924) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. I need a different scale to rate this movie.
Posted May 29, 2015
Salome (1922) Michael W. Phillips, Jr.
Posted Mar 12, 2014
One Foot in Heaven (1941) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. It's worth watching for March's performance -- although we don't get to hear him preach enough -- and for his take-down of a wealthy family determined to run his church for him.
Posted Feb 03, 2012
Nevada Smith (1966) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Not a worthless film, although it's impossible to take seriously.
Posted Dec 30, 2011
Bridesmaids (2011) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. I laughed almost without pause; at several points I made horselike snorting sounds that hurt the insides of my nose.
Posted Dec 30, 2011
The Dark Knight (2008) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Visceral and terrifying.
Posted Dec 29, 2011
Angels Crest (2011) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A high-school production of a second-rate Greek tragedian.
Posted Dec 29, 2011
Contagion (2011) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A supercharged cross between an episode of CSI and a World Health Organization infographic.
Posted Dec 29, 2011
Last Pullman Car (1985) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. One of Chicago documentary group Kartemquin Films's many incisive documentaries about social injustice.
Posted Dec 29, 2011
The Perfect Host (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. It's a film, not a play, and it doesn't work.
Posted Dec 29, 2011
Midnight in Paris (2011) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Watchable, and on a certain level, it's quite enjoyable.
Posted Dec 29, 2011
Stake Land (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. May be the best blunt-force-trauma, tear-your-throat-out vicious vampire film since Near Dark.
Posted Dec 15, 2011
13 Assassins (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Miike's sadistic fetishization of violence and suffering is nowhere in evidence.
Posted Dec 15, 2011
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. If the best thing about a spy movie is the wallpaper, perhaps you've miscalculated.
Posted Dec 14, 2011
The Debt (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Wants to ask deep philosophical questions [but] the protracted ending prevents any of these philosophical darts from sticking.
Posted Dec 05, 2011
Point Blank (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Action cinema distilled.
Posted Nov 20, 2011
Four Brothers (2005) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Feels like a nervous student's heavily footnoted thesis film.
Posted Nov 20, 2011
Warrior (2011) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Suddenly Thunderdome doesn't seem like such a pipe dream anymore.
Posted Nov 16, 2011
She Demons (1958) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Seems to have been created by choosing randomly from a selection of 13-year-old boys' 'these are a few of my favorite things' lists.
Posted Nov 05, 2011
Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Not a film noir, but you should still invest your time in locating and viewing it.
Posted Oct 30, 2011
Maniac (1934) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A truly wretched film that I enjoyed, partly because of and partly in spite of its excessive excrescence.
Posted Oct 17, 2011
Along the Great Divide (1951) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Flawed by structural problems in the script but buoyed by its A-list leading cast
Posted Oct 10, 2011
Dance, Fools, Dance (1931) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A wonderful little film on its own, but it's also a handy little primer of early-1930s genre conventions.
Posted Aug 19, 2011
Tugboat Annie (1933) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. An enjoyable diversion that provides Dressler with ample opportunities to flex her acting chops.
Posted Aug 19, 2011
The Phantom Planet (1961) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. It's actually quite compelling.
Posted May 28, 2011
The Lost Patrol (1934) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A mostly successful experiment in minimalism that allows Ford to work with his traditional themes.
Posted May 04, 2011
Sensuela (1973) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. So low-budget that it appears Brechtian, so confoundingly bad that it borders on brilliant, and so 1970s softcore that it might just be feminist.
Posted Apr 04, 2011
Do It Again (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A fanboy's love letter to his favorite band, a desperate and admittedly somewhat selfish wish that they get back together and bring back some of the magic he remembers as a lifelong fan.
Posted Apr 04, 2011
Daresalam (2001) Michael W. Phillips, Jr.
Posted Apr 04, 2011
The Fighter (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Chopin playing Chopsticks.
Posted Jan 16, 2011
True Grit (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Watching them snipe at each other was one of the undeniable pleasures of the 2010 movie season.
Posted Dec 28, 2010
Night Catches Us (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Attempts to pry the lid off a painful chapter of American history that textbook writers and elected officials would rather erase or whitewash.
Posted Dec 26, 2010
Exam (2009) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Low-budget but handsomely mounted cross between Cube and 12 Angry Men, with some script input by mystery writer Agatha Christie and literary critic Terry Eagleton.
Posted Dec 19, 2010
Red Riding: 1980 (2009) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A huge step up from the unfollowable plot and unfathomable evil of Red Riding: 1974.
Posted Dec 18, 2010
Death at a Funeral (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. It's almost a checklist of things I don't like, but it won me over in its opening minutes and never let go.
Posted Dec 15, 2010
Jonah Hex (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. When it works, which it does quite often, it's one of the better comic book adaptations of recent years.
Posted Dec 14, 2010
Marwencol (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A painfully intimate, mysterious, joyous film.
Posted Dec 11, 2010
White Material (2009) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Possesses a defiant, exhilarating life, a testament to its peerless crafts(wo)manship and its uniqueness.
Posted Dec 07, 2010
Conviction (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. I charge director Tony Goldwyn and screenwriter Pamela Gray with ineffective assistance of counsel.
Posted Dec 05, 2010
Unstoppable (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. The most fun I've had at the movies all year.
Posted Dec 04, 2010
The American (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. There's a lot to value, even if it drinks a little too deeply from the well of stock Euro-assassin-movie characters and situations.
Posted Nov 30, 2010
Black Swan (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Shackled by sports-movie clichés, a reductive view of how creativity works, and, most importantly, Natalie Portman's limitations as an actress.
Posted Nov 29, 2010
It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Has a genuine understanding of the protagonist, but ends up betraying him.
Posted Nov 28, 2010
Monsters (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A somewhat confused spawn of Cloverfield and District 9, with less of an effects budget and less of a coherent self-concept than either of its parents.
Posted Nov 27, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Has too many plot threads to follow in its willy-nilly efforts to set the stage for the real ending.
Posted Nov 24, 2010
Let Me In (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. Not as good as the original but able to stand on its own feet.
Posted Nov 23, 2010
Death Line (1972) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. The first (or only?) ethnographic urban legend horror film.
Posted Nov 16, 2010
Catfish (2010) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. What a gem!
Posted Nov 03, 2010
Wanda (1970) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A sometimes incoherent primal scream, directed not at any particular target but at the state of the American dream in the late 1960s, especially as it applied to women.
Posted Nov 02, 2010
Vincere (2009) Michael W. Phillips, Jr. A series of striking images that serve little purpose except to look striking.
Posted Oct 28, 2010
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