Streaming Production Cultures: How Netflix & Co. Impact Screen Media Work(ers) in Europe

11 September 2024 | Utrecht University
This interactive panel session explores how local European screen media production cultures have been transformed by the growing influence of SVOD platforms. In three presentations, media industry scholars from the Netherlands, Poland, and the UK will present their findings on the impact of these platforms on labor conditions, business models, data analytics, and evolving creative and organizational practices. The audience will join the panelists in addressing crucial questions regarding the challenges and opportunities presented by streaming production cultures.

Call for Papers: Moving Humanities Conference

Abstract submission deadline: August 12th, 2024 (extended deadline) Conference dates: October 31st and November 1st 2024 The Moving Humanities Conference, organized by Radboud University and Groningen University, will take place on October 31st and November 1st, 2024. This year’s theme is Resistance taken in its broadest sense, both within our subjects of research and the humanities itself. Resistance can be to […]

Public Lecture: ‘The Question of Technology in the Common(s)’ with Tiziana Terranova

6 June 2024 | Tilburg
The talk returns on the terrain of the commons and the common – as terms that over the first two decades of the 21st century played a central role in positing the possibility of a radical alternative to the established and dominant system of social, economic and political relations which is responsible for the multiple and convergent crises of the present – such as the ecological, economic, social and political crises (Hardt and Negri; Venn; Berlant).

Call for Papers: Soapbox 6.0 – On the Uses of Absence

We are inviting extended proposals by June 10th, 2024
Can we speak of a turn to absence? Across the contemporary academic conjuncture, theory is reapproaching the absent in all its varying fleshly and rhetorical forms, revalorizing ‘absence’ itself as a critical matter. Enduring scholarly investments in re-presenting and re-presencing the absented body (from the archive and media, from power and institutions, from theory and writing) have become supplemented in current critical work by an affirmative interest in staying with absence as such.

Vacancy: Open post-doc position at Umeå University on political uses of the past

Application deadline: 7 May 2024 Position start: 1 September 2024 DIGSUM ( at Umeå University, Sweden is offering a fully funded post-doc position for two years.. The project (PastForward, is about political uses of the past in digital discourses about Nordic futures. It will study the use of the past in the digital campaign material and […]

‘Staging Witchcraft Before the Law: Skepticism, Performance as Proof, and Law as Magic in Early Modern Witch Trials’ – Lecture by Julie Stone Peters (Columbia University)

24 May 2024 | Leiden University
This talk explores a set of extraordinary episodes during early modern witch trials: those moments when judges, accusers, victims, or the alleged witches themselves staged or performed witchcraft as evidence of the crime. In courtrooms, examination chambers, prisons, and town squares, participants ordered the accused to conjure the devil, create hailstorms, or turn themselves into wolves.

CFP for Re/Presenting Europe’s Special Issue in the TMG – Journal for Media History

Deadline for abstract: to be submitted by 30 April 2024
This special issue of TMG – Journal for Media History examines how historical practices of racialisation structure representations of Europe, Europeanness and belonging in the domain of popular culture. Mainstream media, by which we mean state-sponsored and dominant commercial and publicly accessible radio and television, and widespread print media genres such as newspapers and magazines, have produced and circulated dominant representations of who is European and has a rightful place in Europe.

Call for Papers: Fatigue – Terminally Online (TO)

13 May 2024 | University Theater Amsterdam
Deadline CfP: April 15, 2024
Terminally Online (TO) is an organization run by new media + digital culture MA and RMA students from the University of Amsterdam. We connect students with researchers and practitioners from the local media scene by organizing talks, reading groups, exhibitions, performances, and promoting work by students and alums.

True Colors: Race and Technology with Colorist Natacha Ikoli, and Cinematographer Freek Zonderland

25 April 2024 | University of Amsterdam
From mobile phone cameras to light sensors that run our faucets, digital technologies are ubiquitous and inescapable in our everyday life today. They are also optimized for white skin, by means of sampling, coding, and guided by will (or lack thereof) to finesse particular aspects of a technology that assumes a false (white) universality. The pervasiveness of such technologies means a non-white person will have several reminders throughout their day of their Otherness.

Call for Papers: “Imagining Planetary Health, Well-Being, and Habitability”

2–4 October 2024 | Evangelische Akademie Tutzing
In this workshop, we aim to gather scholars from around the world who conduct research in the environmental humanities, philosophy, history, anthropology, science and technology studies, eco-criticism, health humanities, political ecology, and related fields. Participants are encouraged to critically engage with the concepts of planetary health and planetary well-being through themes including—but not limited to—care, justice, and habitability.

Call for Papers: Junctions Issue 8.2

We are happy and proud to launch the Call for Papers for Issue 8.2! This special issue will consist of two separate sections. Articles in our themed section will revolve around the theme ‘Transformative Kinships’, adopting a broad and inclusive view on Kinship and investigating its power to influence and transform sociopolitical relationships. However, for the first time in Junctions history, issue 8.2 will also include an open call section. The deadline for submissions has been extended from February 25 to March 10.

Workshop Call for Papers: Humor and its Political Affordances Today: From Nostalgia to Cancel Cultures

When: 31st May 2024 Where: University of Amsterdam, specific location tba Organizers: Spiros Chairetis (Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellow, University of Amsterdam) and Maria Boletsi (Endowed Professor of Modern Greek Studies, University of Amsterdam) In recent years, a series of events have thrust humor into the spotlight of social discussions. For instance, in 2019, Shane Gillis, an […]

Call for Submission of Extended Abstracts CLARIN Annual Conference 2024

CLARIN ERIC is pleased to announce the CLARIN Annual Conference 2024 and calls for the submission of extended abstracts. CLARIN is the European research infrastructure that makes digital language resources available to scholars, researchers, students and citizen scientists from a wide range of disciplines, coordinates the collection of language resources and tools, and offers advanced tools to […]

ASCA Cities seminar: Material Cities

The 2023–2024 ASCA Cities seminar will approach the city through the lens of materiality. Taking up the theme of ‘Material Cities’, we are interested in how making the city is both a material and immaterial process. From ‘natural’ construction materials to the traces of technological infrastructures, we will consider how larger questions of care, belonging and community, but also of access and power – quite literally – materialize in the urban. 

CFP Critiquing Big Tech: A Humanities Perspective 

"Cologne 2023 (photo by Niels Niessen; street art by Innerfields"

6 and 7 June 2024 | Tilburg, Netherlands
This conference brings together critiques of how Big Tech invades all domains of public and private life, transforming those domains in the process. The conference explores how the humanities can contribute to a better understanding of this development. At the same time, we are interested in how humanities research changes in relation to this development. While critiquing Big Tech, it is important to acknowledge that for many, platforms like Instagram, Tumblr, and X (Twitter) are places of consciousness building and activism. It is also safe to say that without these platforms, movements like MeToo, Trans Liberation, and Black Lives Matter would not have happened the way they did. Yet while these platforms help liberate personal and collective life in some respects, ultimately they are not designed for emancipation, but to maximize user engagement. The conference examines the ways in which Big Tech interpellates people as users, through its technologies and its discourses. We will also discuss potential forms of resistance against this interpellation.

Call for papers: Food and Taste in Travel Writing

Southeast Asian Caribbean Images (KITLV) / KITLV A1121 - Het kopen van eten bij een straatverkoper tijdens een uitstapje met de auto, vermoedelijk op Sumatra's Westkust

Call for papers: Food and Taste in Travel Writing: Comparative Representations in Post-Colonial Literary and Visual Culture Deadline for abstract submissions: November 1, 2023 Deadline for full article: July 1, 2024 Name of organisation: Dutch Centre for Travel Writing Studies, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) Contact email: Food, travel, and […]