"A Light in the City" - 42" x 32"

"High Tops" - 42" x 32" 

"Alnilam" - 64" x 48"

"Room with a View" - 42" x 32" 

"Messia" - 42" x 32"

"Distant Bridge" - 42" x 32"

Thank you for your consideration in purchasing an original.


"Carinae" - 42" x 32" 

< 2024

"Born and Raised" - 64" x 48"

"Heart of a Storm 2" - 64" x 48"

"For Anybody Listening" - 44" x 34"

"Time of No Arrival" - 64" x 48"

"Shaded Court" - 44" x 34"

"Yesterday" - 64" x 48"

"Last Light" - 50" x 40"

"Coney Island Afternoon" - 44" x 34"

"Water Tower under Cloud" - 44" x 34"

"Alone, Together" - 44" x 34"

"Performance from a Dark Train" - 40" x 30"

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