Nevada judge dismisses former GOP gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert's election fraud lawsuit

Portrait of Rio Lacanlale Rio Lacanlale
Reno Gazette Journal
Joey Gilbert waits before a Republican primary debate for Nevada governor on May 25 in Las Vegas.

In a formal order issued Thursday, a Nevada judge said a "clear absence" of "competent evidence" led to the dismissal of former Republican gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert's primary election challenge. The denial marks the latest blow to the ex-professional boxer's legal fight to overturn the GOP contest.

Gilbert finished second in the race behind Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo but refuses to concede. Even after a statewide recount of the race conducted in June at Gilbert's request confirmed his loss by about 26,000 votes, he filed a lawsuit in Carson City claiming he actually won by more than 50,000 votes based on an analysis by self-described "expert mathematician" Edward Solomon, who has no math degree.

Carson City District Judge James Wilson first announced his decision Wednesday from the bench to toss Gilbert's lengthy election lawsuit. But a six-page order filed Thursday morning in Nevada's capital provides more context behind the judge's decision, which was issued after three experts cited in Gilbert's lawsuit testified.

Solomon was not one of those experts.

"All parties agree," the judge wrote, "that Mr. Solomon does not qualify as an expert."

Instead, the judge heard from witnesses Oliver A. Hemmers, G. Donald Allen and Walter C. Daugherity — all of whom had vouched for Solomon's analysis in separate declarations filed with the lawsuit.

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Yet in their depositions, all three proposed experts, according to the judge's order, admitted that they "did not offer any independent opinions" and had "merely copied portions of the Solomon Report" in their declarations.

In addition, the judge wrote, Allen "testified that he has 'no idea' what the correct vote share is, did not perform any work related to the restoration of the actual vote share, and does not 'know how you can do it, to be honest.'"

Solomon gained national attention last year after the pro-Donald Trump One America News Network spotlighted him as a "renowned mathematician" who had uncovered a mysterious algorithm in vote-counting machines that he claims swayed the 2020 presidential election.

It was later revealed in a defamation lawsuit brought by the voting machine company Dominion that Solomon "was working as an 'installer' at a swing set construction company" at the time of the OAN interview.

"Because Mr. Solomon does not qualify as an expert and Mr. Gilbert has declined to call him as a witness in this proceeding," the judge concluded, "the Solomon report is inadmissible hearsay and Mr. Gilbert may not rely on its contents to prove his claims in this election contest."

Wilson's ruling blocks Gilbert's election contest, but Gilbert could appeal the decision to the Nevada Supreme Court.

In a brief statement after the lawsuit was dismissed, Lombardo's campaign said: "It's time to take our state back."

Gilbert's claims of widespread voter fraud in the historically crowded race began to surface just hours after polls closed in Nevada's June 14 primary election.

Now, the state Republican Party is scrambling to unite voters behind Lombardo, who will take on Democratic incumbent Gov. Steve Sisolak in the November general election.

Former U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, who finished third in the GOP gubernatorial primary contest, released a statement last month saying lawsuits like Gilbert's are "almost always counterproductive and can do serious damage to the reputation of the Republican Party."

“Now is the time to put an end to inter-party squabbling and unite in support of Joe Lombardo," Heller said.

Making no secret of the fact that he’s not happy with the Republican establishment in the aftermath of the primary, Gilbert has said he may run as an independent in the future.

Nevada's general election will take place Nov. 8.

Rio Lacanlale is the Las Vegas correspondent for the Reno Gazette Journal and the USA Today Network. Contact her at or on Twitter @riolacanlale. Support local journalism by subscribing to the RGJ today.