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LETTER: Open borders aren’t helping housing prices

The front-page headline in Friday’s Review-Journal pointed out that Las Vegas, as well as our nation, is short of available housing units. Specifically, it was reported the “country is short somewhere between 4 million and 7 million homes.” Various causes are put forth throughout the article: lack of land, construction cost inflation, COVID, even the Great Recession in the late 2000s.

I understand why real estate “experts” might not want to get involved in politics. Why offend half your potential customers if you can avoid it? By avoiding that, however, they miss the true cause of the housing shortage. Somewhere between 6 million and 10 million migrants have been allowed into this country illegally by the Biden administration. They have to live somewhere. Is anyone surprised the nation is short up to 7 million housing units?

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LETTER: Here’s what Biden should do now

Now that President Joe Biden has announced he is dropping out of the race for president, here are 10 requests.

LETTER: Trump will forever be Trump

To think that man could ever care about anyone other than himself is laughable.

LETTER: A mixed bag on the Secret Service

Heroic acts, but as for the idiot who surveyed the site and deemed the security adequate, you should be looking for a new job.

LETTER: War games

Let’s take care of Americans at home before spending money on proxy wars.