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RNC to make convention site visit to Las Vegas on Thursday

The Republican National Committee will make a technical site visit to Las Vegas on Thursday to help determine whether the city will win the right to host the 2016 convention where the GOP will nominate its presidential candidate.

Obamacare an early subject for Lowden, Hutchison

The two top Republicans running for lieutenant governor — Sue Lowden and Mark Hutchison — have dueling TV ads on Hutchison’s role in President Barack Obama’s signature health care insurance law.

Campaign complaint hits back at attack ads in AG race

A Nevada-registered political action committee on Friday filed an “elections integrity” complaint against the State Government Leadership Foundation for running a $500,000 TV and Internet ad campaign against Secretary of State Ross Miller, a Democrat running for attorney general.

Half of millennials more likely to lean Democratic

Most of America’s young adults are single, don’t go to church and while half say they have no loyalty to a political party, when pushed they tend to swing further left politically than those before them.

Long-hauling could be black mark on Las Vegas’ GOP convention hopes

Las Vegas is angling to host the 2016 Republican National Convention at the same time the Nevada Taxicab Authority is trying to shake off a reputation for lax enforcement of taxi drivers who long-haul passengers to illegally jack up fares.

Heck demotes campaign chief after UNLV-UNR game incident

U.S. Rep. Joe Heck on Friday demoted his campaign manager after he was ejected from a basketball game last weekend between the University of Nevada, Reno and its rival, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, for making an obscene gesture during a heated exchange among fans.

Attorney General candidate Miller hits back at attack ads

Democratic Secretary of State Ross Miller, who’s running for Nevada attorney general, on Monday threatened to pursue “every legal option” to force the State Government Leadership Foundation to reveal its donors after the group launched an attack ad and website against him.

Attorney general candidate Ross Miller target of ad blitz

A national group is launching a $500,000 TV ad campaign and website targeting Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller, a Democrat running for Nevada attorney general, painting him as a politician leading the high life and taking freebies.

GOP convention in Las Vegas would draw Democratic ‘trackers’

Democrats plan to deploy “trackers” with video cameras to Las Vegas if the city wins the 2016 Republican National Convention to catch convention-goers possibly getting into trouble or going into and out of Strip bars and casinos, which might not go over well at home.

Convention center is Las Vegas’ pick for 2016 Republican convention

The 2016 Republican National Convention will be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center if the city wins the right to host the nationally televised event, which could be a $400 million-plus boon to Southern Nevada’s economy, the convention center confirmed Tuesday.

Sharron Angle files petition for Nevada voter ID law

Sharron Angle, a former Nevada assemblywoman and failed U.S. Senate candidate who has made fighting alleged election corruption a personal quest, wants to amend the state Constitution to require photo identification to vote.