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Turning renters into homeowners

In today’s evolving housing market, the dream of homeownership may seem distant for many first-time homebuyers or renters. Rising interest rates, high home prices and committing to purchasing a home can be daunting.

However, as a mortgage professional, I’ve guided numerous clients through the process, helping them realize that homeownership is not only attainable but also a long-term investment.

Understanding the mindset of renters

Many renters see homeownership as unattainable because of financial constraints and a lack of understanding of the long-term benefits. They often focus on the immediate costs rather than the potential gains. The key to changing this mindset lies in education and strategic planning.

Addressing common concerns

Down payment costs

One of the primary barriers to homeownership is the initial financial commitment. Many renters believe they don’t have enough money saved for a down payment, which can deter them from even considering buying a home. However, there are several ways to make the financial leap into homeownership more manageable:

Down payment assistance programs

Many down payment assistance programs are available to first-time homebuyers. These programs, often state-sponsored or offered by local housing authorities, provide grants or low-interest loans to cover a significant portion of the down payment and closing costs. For example, Nevada’s Home Is Possible program offers down payment assistance to help with the upfront costs of buying a home.

401(k) withdrawals

Many potential homebuyers are unaware they can withdraw funds from their 401(k) retirement accounts without incurring penalties when purchasing their first home. This option can be useful for those with a large amount saved in their retirement accounts. By leveraging these funds, buyers can cover down payment and closing costs, bridging the gap between their savings and the necessary upfront expenses.

Federal Housing Administration loans

FHA loans are government-backed mortgages that require lower down payments and have more lenient credit requirements compared to conventional loans. With an FHA loan, the down payment can be as low as 3.5 percent of the purchase price, making it an attractive option for first-time buyers with limited savings.

Understanding closing costs

In addition to the down payment, buyers must also consider closing costs, which can range from 2 percent to 3 percent of the home’s purchase price. Closing costs include fees for loan origination, appraisal, title insurance, home inspection and other administrative expense

Seller concessions

In some cases, sellers may be willing to pay a portion of the closing costs to facilitate the sale. Negotiating seller concessions can significantly reduce the amount of cash buyers need to bring to the closing table.

Interest rates

With the median mortgage rate hovering around 7.75 percent over the past 50 years, it’s important to remember that rent is essentially 100 percent interest. Renters never see a return on their monthly payments, whereas homeowners build equity over time. Even though interest rates have been higher in recent years compared to the past decade, they are still below the 50-year average, making homeownership a wise investment for long-term benefits and financial returns.

Credit and income requirements

Good credit and stable income are crucial for qualifying for a mortgage. If a renter’s credit score is not where it needs to be, starting to improve it early is vital. Mortgage lenders can guide people on how to boost credit scores, whether it’s through small corrections or more significant interventions like addressing collections or late payments.

Planning for the future

For young adults planning to buy a home in the next few years, the process starts now. Educating oneself about the homebuying process, understanding credit requirements and saving diligently are critical steps. It’s also important to consider creative ways to increase purchase power, such as co-signing with a parent or planning to have roommates contribute to the mortgage.

Current market trends

The housing market, particularly in areas like Las Vegas, continues to see high demand, partly driven by migration from states like California. While interest rates may stabilize or decrease soon, the demand for housing is likely to increase, pushing home prices up. This makes the concept of “buy now, refinance later” particularly compelling. Securing a home at today’s prices can be a strategic move, with the potential to refinance at lower rates in the future.

Mindset matters

A significant part of the journey to homeownership is adopting the right mindset. Despite the negativity in the news, it’s crucial to stay open to new ideas and solutions. Large companies may push the narrative of renting, but owning a home provides long-term financial benefits that renting cannot match. The opportunity cost of waiting can be substantial, and those who act now are likely to benefit.

For those considering the transition from renting to owning, now is the time to start planning. Educate yourself, seek professional advice and take advantage of the opportunities available. Your future self will thank you.

Kat Alvarez, senior mortgage banker at note. A Mortgage Agency, has more than eight years of experience with an extensive background in banking, financial planning and customer service.

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