
The Represent Justice Ambassador Program provides narrative power building training and opportunities to formerly incarcerated nonprofit leaders, advocates, and artists. Each Ambassador has a desire to grow their personal storytelling skills while also wanting to leverage those skills to disrupt harmful narratives and to advocate for change in the justice system. To date, 20 system-impacted Ambassadors have participated in storytelling trainings, which include:

  • Telling your Story for different audiences and different lengths;
  • Digital Storytelling;
  • Producing your story with video and audio, including: working with different creative teams; sharing direction; and creating and editing scripts;
  • Turning stories into action—organizing around your story to achieve specific advocacy goals.

Meet our ambassadors sharing their personal stories of incarceration, hope and redemption while leading the fight to create a fair justice system.

Interested in having someone speak at your event or to host a virtual discussion? Please email [email protected].