Site Visitor’s Survey: Recession Risks Fade, but Inventory Crunch Continues to Bite


  • In the past 12 months, U.S. homebuyers became more optimistic regarding the U.S. economy. In July 2023, around 22.7% of surveyed buyers believed that the next recession was at least a year away while the sentiment share was 17.8% a year ago. 
  • The share of homebuyers who believed a recession was already in progress remained high at 41.8% in July 2023 vs. 40.7% in July 2022, but it has been on a downward trajectory since March 2023.   
  • An economic downturn isn’t necessarily bad news for buyers. 35.9% of surveyed buyers indicated that a recession would make them (somewhat) more likely to purchase a home. The share was higher in first-time buyers (41.6%) than repeat buyers (32.4%). 
  • In July 2023, 60.3% of homebuyers reported that they could not find a home to buy either because of limited inventories within their budget range or limited inventories meeting their needs. However, only 56.4% of homebuyers had such concerns last year and 52.9% in July 2019. 
  • First-time buyers had greater difficulties in locating homes that fit within their budget constraints (48.1%) rather than finding homes that met their specific needs (40.5%). In contrast, repeat homebuyers faced more challenges in finding homes that catered to their specific needs (46.6%) than they did concerning budget constraints (29.5%).

In July 2023, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell stated that the Fed was no longer anticipating a looming recession for the U.S. However, given that inflation is still well above the 2% target, the likelihood of tighter monetary policy for longer in the year ahead still remains. Tighter monetary policy works to curb inflation by slowing economic growth. In other words, while expectations have subsided, recession-risk remains.  In order to better understand whether homebuyers’ sentiments have changed since last year and to grasp the current challenges they face, we analyze information collected from’s Site Visitor Survey by focusing on three perspectives: 

1) When do you think the U.S. will hit its next economic recession? 

2) After the recession hits, how much will it influence whether or not you purchase a home, and

 3) What are the reasons that are getting in your way of making a home purchase? 

Buyer Economic Perceptions

Recent homebuyers were more optimistic about the U.S. economy than a year ago. In July 2022, 17.8% of the buyers surveyed believed that the next recession was at least a year away. However, the share of respondents saying a recession was a year or more off jumped to 22.7% in July 2023. In fact, in recent months, there has been a notable pivot in the economic outlook. The percentage of respondents who believed that a recession was still a year or more away has been increasing since March 2023, a time when the Federal Reserve noted that the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and other financial institutions could tighten financial conditions and help achieve its inflation goal, in effect substituting for additional rate hikes.

Figure 1: When do you think the U.S. will hit its next economic recession? 

What does this mean to the housing market? 

In July 2023,  the share of surveyed buyers saying that a recession will make them at least somewhat more likely to purchase a home was 35.9%, whereas 17.8% indicated that they will be (a lot) less likely to purchase after a recession hits. In fact, it is not surprising to see many homebuyers want to take advantage of an economic downturn when making a home purchase. If the economy runs into a recession, the Fed is likely to reverse course and lower its interest rates to boost economic activities. This should put some downward pressure on mortgage rates and relieve some affordability concerns. As a result, buyers with constrained down payments might benefit from utilizing this time to buy. In fact, the share was even higher among first-time home buyers, as 41.6% of them indicated that they were at least somewhat more likely to purchase a home after a recession hits, while the share among repeated buyers was 32.4%.

While many buyers change their purchasing strategies around a recession, 46.3% of respondents in July 2023 said an economic downturn would have no effect on their decision to buy a home. The share was 49.1% among repeat homebuyers and just 41.7% among first-time homebuyers. In other words, first-time homebuyers’ purchasing decisions may be more sensitive to the overall economic environment. 

What else affects buying decisions? 

While homebuyers hold varying perspectives on the timing of recessions and show different responses when it comes to purchasing homes, a common concern that has become more prevalent with declining inventories is the increasing challenge of finding a home to buy. Although our monthly housing report has highlighted a decrease in new listings driven by elevated mortgage rates, our Site Visitor Survey is able to provide insights into how and to what extent a declining for-sale inventory affects home purchasing decisions.

In July 2023, 60.3% of homebuyers reported that they could not find a home to buy either because 1) they could not find homes meeting their needs (such as location and size) or 2) they could not find good homes within their budget range. While the challenge of finding an appropriate home has consistently ranked as the top reason that prevents people from buying in our data history back to 2019, the share stood much lower at 52.9% in July 2019. Subsequently, over the following Julys, it hovered in the range of 55% to 56%. However, the figure surged past the 60% mark in July 2023, reflecting the growing difficulty homebuyers face in finding suitable properties.

Table 1: Share of Homebuyers constrained by Inventory, Budgets and Needs1

Homebuyer Type Constraints Jul-19 Jul-20 Jul-21 Jul-22 Jul-23
All Homebuyers Inventory-Constrained 52.9% 55.1% 55.3% 56.4% 60.3%
Budget-Constrained 29.0% 31.1% 33.6% 34.9% 36.7%
Needs-Constrained 41.2% 43.4% 41.3% 40.6% 44.2%
First-time Homebuyers Inventory-Constrained 52.6% 55.7% 55.2% 56.0% 63.7%
Budget-Constrained 35.9% 36.5% 41.9% 40.5% 48.1%
Needs-Constrained 36.5% 40.8% 36.9% 34.0% 40.5%
Repeat Homebuyers Inventory-Constrained 53.2% 54.6% 55.4% 56.6% 58.2%
Budget-Constrained 23.6% 26.4% 26.5% 31.1% 29.5%
Needs-Constrained 44.9% 45.6% 45.1% 45.1% 46.6%


The share increased more significantly among first-time homebuyers. In July 2023, 63.7% of first-time homebuyers said that being unable to find a suitable home prevented them becoming homeowners. This marked a significant upswing from 52.6% in July 2019 and 56.0% in July 2022. Specifically, in July 2023, 48.1% first-time homebuyers indicated they could not find a good home within their budgetary constraints, and 40.5% struggled to locate a home that adequately matched their needs.  

Meanwhile, there was also an uptick in this trend among repeat homebuyers. In July 2023, 58.3% of repeat homebuyers indicated that the unavailability of suitable homes deterred their purchasing plans, an increase from 53.2% in July 2019 and 56.6% from July 2022. However, unlike a larger share of first-time homebuyers emphasizing budget constraints as their obstacle to homeownerships, existing homeowners more often cited finding homes that meet specific needs as the factor holding back their buying plans. Specifically, only 29.5% of repeat buyers stated that they couldn’t find a suitable home within their budget range, whereas a substantial 46.6% pointed to the inability to locate a home that fulfilled their specific requirements as the reason for their hesitation. Existing homeowners, unlike budget-constrained first-time homebuyers, could leverage their near record high home equity, enabling them to pursue higher quality homes that satisfy their preferences.

Methodology: Background and Context

In order to better understand the sentiment and experiences of buyers, sellers, and renters currently on the market for homes, the Economics team conducts a randomized survey of visitors to listing and search result pages on the site, the Site Visitors Survey. Respondents are asked about the reasons they’re visiting the site, how they’ve been engaged with the housing market, and how they feel that current market conditions are impacting their behavior.

Surveys are administered randomly to visitors on For this report, we consider only respondents who indicate that they are home buyers. Weights are calculated by computing the share of survey respondents falling into categories based on age and adjusting these proportions to match the share of all visitors to and similar online real estate marketplaces segmented by age. Sample sizes and response totals are calculated as 3-month rolling totals.


  1. Inventory-constrained: share of homebuyers cannot find a home to buy; budget-constrained: share of homebuyers cannot find homes within budget range; needs-constrained: share of homebuyers cannot find homes meeting their needs