How to Freeze Food: A Guide to Storing Almost Anything in the Freezer

Browse dozens of clever tips for storing food in the freezer.

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Organized freezer interior with stacked food containers, resealable bags, ice trays, frozen vegetable bags, and ice cream
Photo: James Worrell

Learning how to store foods in the freezer properly can go a long way in helping you save money and time. Otherwise, your freezer can easily become an intermediary between the stove and the trash can—and no one wants to waste food like that. Here, we share kitchen-altering freezer tips with techniques you may already know and a few new tricks to keep your food tasting fresh. Read on to see how to freeze food—including food preparation tips and storage ideas.

How to Freeze Food Correctly

It might seem obvious, but you should only freeze foods you already like; there's no sense in freezing items you don't like and will never use. While there are ways to keep food tasting almost as good as before it was frozen, no food tastes better after being frozen and thawed. Still, there are a few tips for freezing foods you can follow to optimize your food's shelf life.

Use Appropriate Containers

Use containers and wraps designed for the freezer; they are thick enough to keep moisture in and freezer odors out. The freezer-safe Rubbermaid Brilliance Pantry Food Storage Container Set tops our list of best food storage containers. Thinner sandwich bags and regular kitchen wrap―even when doubled up―are not durable enough to withstand the big chill; try reusable food storage bags instead (if freezer-safe).

If you are going to freeze anything long-term in glass, make sure the glass is either tempered (the type used for canning jars) or specifically labeled for freezing. Since even freezer-safe glass food containers can crack as food expands, always leave about 3/4 inch of space between the top of the food and the lid.

Slice Before Freezing

Slice bread and halve bagels before freezing for convenient one-person servings. Slip bagel halves into the freezer bag back-to-back, so they're less likely to stick together. Similarly, slice fruit before freezing it for easier thawing and convenient access when adding to fruit smoothies.

Squeeze Out Air

Where there's excess air, there's freezer burn. When freezing items such as sliced bread in a bag, squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing. However, when storing sauces, soups, or stews in containers, leave a bit of space at the top of the container. This step prevents the expanding liquid from freezing at the lid.

What Is Freezer Burn?

Freezer burn occurs when the air dries out the surface of foods, toughening the texture and worsening flavors. The burn is easy to identify (it's frosty and gray), and it can be prevented by wrapping foods in airtight freezer-designed packages. (Be sure to keep the freezer door open only as briefly as possible. Too much exposure to warm air can cause temperature fluctuations, which invite freezer burn.)

If your ice crystal-scorched food hasn't been in the freezer longer than the recommended storing time, cut off the offending area as it thaws and cook as planned. Keep in mind: There's nothing unsafe about freezer burn. It might not taste good, but it's not going to make anyone sick. To help prevent future freezer burn, ensure you're keeping your freezer at the ideal temperature.

Store After Cooling

Wait for hot foods to cool down to room temperature before freezing them. Then leave plenty of space around the container in the freezer so the cold air can circulate; this accelerates the freezing. When the item is finally frozen, stack the container with everything else.

Freeze Flat for Quick Thawing

The greater the surface area, the faster the thaw, so use shallow, flat containers. Freeze broths, sauces, and other liquids flat in freezer bags, then stand them up sideways for storage. They'll thaw quickly when you remove them and submerge them in a bowl of hot water (or hold them under hot running water).

Think About Portion Control

Freeze food in small portions and, whenever possible, pack it in small containers. Large portions in large containers are slower to freeze. The faster food freezes, the fresher it will taste when thawed. Freeze soups, spaghetti sauce, and lasagna in one- and two-portion containers, which thaw more quickly and guarantee you won't have to thaw more than you need.

What to Freeze

Your freezer is not just a place to store chili and ice cream. Think of it more as the arctic extension of your pantry: A place to store staples—and even some specialty items—that will make your cooking more efficient and enjoyable. Here are some common foods you can freeze and the best way to do so.


Freeze cubed peaches, melons, berries, mangoes, watermelon, and bananas that are in danger of becoming overripe, and use them to make smoothies or frozen margaritas. Spread the fruit out on a baking sheet and freeze until solid, then transfer them to a resealable plastic bag. This method will prevent them from clumping together.

Many vegetables can also be frozen for later use. Try freezing kale, avocados, and celery (to name a few veggies you can freeze) and using them in soups, stews, or smoothies. While many vegetables will keep longer if blanched before freezing, it's not a requirement for all.

Meat and Seafood

Storing meat and seafood in the freezer is a common practice that allows us to buy in bulk and save for cooking in the future. Different meat products have their best freezing techniques and shelf-life, but in general, you want to freeze meat and seafood if not cooking it right away and before the "freeze by" date on the package.

You can also freeze already-cooked meats to help with meal prep. Store cooked ham, rotisserie chicken, fish, and other meats in the freezer to use in easy recipes like stir-frys, soups, and stews.


You can freeze eggs as long as they are out of the shell and beaten. Store yolks and whites separately in resealable plastic bags. (If you're freezing only yolks, beat each with about a teaspoon of sugar first to keep them fresh.) Thaw under hot running water or in the refrigerator overnight.


Various cheeses—especially firm cheeses—can be frozen for long-term storage. Freeze mozzarella cheese and others like Parmesan, Romano, and aged provolone, by grating them before storing them in a resealable plastic bag. Soft cheeses typically don't freeze well due to their moisture content.

Likewise, you can freeze milk and take advantage of any sales by storing it for later use. The milk's taste and quality will be best if frozen at its freshest point (rather than freezing an already open container).

Freeze butter sticks so you always have them on hand for baking!

Baked Goods

Many desserts and baked goods can be frozen, allowing you to enjoy the treat for days. This is especially helpful if baking for the holidays or a get-together: Simply bake the item ahead of time, freeze, and then thaw before serving.

You probably already know that cookie dough can be frozen, but you can also freeze cookies that have already been baked. The key is to let them cool first before placing them in the freezer.

To preserve frosted cake (a whole cake or a piece), place it in the freezer uncovered until the frosting is firm—about two hours, depending on the frosting. Then, wrap the frozen cake in plastic, followed by foil. To thaw, unwrap the foil and the plastic, then reshape the foil, creating a tent over the cake. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight and let the cake come to room temperature before serving.


There are times when you have an abundance of leftovers (Thanksgiving anyone?) and the fridge is simply not big enough. On such occasions, feel free to freeze your leftovers. From freezing leftover rice to soups and more, storing your leftover food in the freezer is a great way to reduce food waste and save money. Here are a couple of ways to store leftover sauces, breakfast foods, and soups.

  • Leftover pancakes and waffles: Let them cool, separate them with wax paper to prevent sticking, then freeze them in resealable plastic bags. To reheat, don't thaw―just pop them in the toaster oven.
  • Sauces and flavor cubes: Use ice-cube trays to freeze the leftover broth, orange juice, or milk. Freeze portions of pesto, tomato paste, coffee, tea, or wine (for cooking, not drinking). Once solid, the cubes can be transferred to a resealable freezer bag for safekeeping.
  • Soups and stews: When freezing soups and stews for future use, you'll want to let the dish cool first before packing. If your soup or stew has noodles, rice, croutons, or other crispy elements, freeze them separately from the soup base so they don't get mushy when thawing.

Make-Ahead Meals

It's very convenient to prep meals ahead of time and freeze them until ready to cook later in the week. Meal prepping helps busy folks eat healthier and save money. Some of the best freezer-friendly dishes you can assemble or prep to freeze uncooked include casseroles and baked pasta.

To freeze casseroles and baked pasta, don't hold the casserole dish hostage in the freezer while waiting to use its contents. Instead, line the pan with foil, assemble the uncooked food in it, wrap, and freeze until solid. Then, lift out the foil and the contents. Transfer the block to a freezer bag until you're ready to thaw it and cook.

What Not to Freeze

Despite the long list of foods you can freeze, some foods should never be frozen. Ingredients with high water content (like lettuce) don't typically do well after freezing and thawing. This is because they often get too mushy, rendering them inedible (unless blended into a smoothie or similar recipe).

In general, avoid freezing fruits and vegetables that you wish to eat whole or fresh (like in a salad), soft cheeses, foods with mayo, boiled or baked potatoes, and pre-cooked pasta. You'll also want to stay away from freezing already-thawed seafood (especially shellfish) and battered fried foods since they won't keep their oh-so-delicious crispy texture.

How to Thaw Food

The flavor and texture of foods you've kept in the freezer can depend on how the foods are defrosted. Slow thawing in the refrigerator is the gentlest method, resulting in the least change in texture and taste. But there are alternative ways to safely thaw food if you can't wait overnight (or several days for a large piece of meat).

  • Thaw safely in cold water. The temperatures of meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy foods should never rise above 40 degrees until cooked. If you need to thaw them quickly, your best bet is to dunk the bag in cold water, and completely immerse any meat―you don't want any part exposed to warm air.
  • Use the refrigerator overnight. Marinated meats frozen in a resealable plastic bag can be defrosted in the refrigerator overnight, allowing the meat to soak up the marinade as it thaws. This method is great for tough cuts (which tenderize in the freezer) and prevents freezer burn on the meat.
  • Enlist the microwave. Use the defrost setting (or 30 percent power) to thaw foods slowly in the microwave, stirring or turning whenever possible to ensure even thawing—meats can defrost unevenly causing warm spots before completely thawing. Remove meat from the microwave as soon as it's thawed (it should be flexible and soft but not warm) and cook it immediately afterward.

If you wish to refreeze thawed foods, exercise caution. The flavor may suffer slightly, but you can put defrosted cooked meat, fish, and poultry back into the freezer as long as they thawed in the refrigerator and never got warmer than 40 degrees.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long can you keep food in your freezer?

    Depending on the food you freeze, it can last as little as one month and as long as 12 months when stored properly in the freezer. Some foods (like uncooked meats) can last up to a year, while cooked foods are best if thawed and used within a month or two. It's best to reference the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recommendations to know how long you should store foods in the freezer.

  • What is the best way to organize a freezer?

    There are a few things you can do when organizing your fridge and freezer to optimize the space and promote the best freezing quality.

    • Stack similar foods together, keeping meats on one shelf or area and separating them from fruits, vegetables, and baked goods.
    • Use square food containers whenever possible as they can be stacked and positioned in corners and don't take up as much space as round containers.
    • Record the date you store each item to help you track when foods should be used and reorganize your freezer periodically so that the oldest items are always in front and are, therefore, used first.
  • Is it better to freeze food in glass or plastic?

    The decision to freeze food in glass or plastic containers is primarily up to personal preference. As long as the containers are marked as freezer-safe (like tempered glass), both materials are safe for storing in the freezer. Using glass is more environmentally friendly since plastic is not as sustainable or durable.

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  1. USDA, Freezing and food safety. Accessed April 16, 2023.

  2. USDA, The big thaw - safe defrosting methods. Accessed April 16, 2023.

  3. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. “Cold Food Storage Chart.”, June 24, 2019.

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