Waste of the Day: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Defends $19,000 Podium

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Topline: Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders once stood behind one of the world’s most visible podiums as former President Donald Trump’s press secretary.

Apparently she misses the setup. Sanders spent $19,000 of taxpayer money to buy a custom lectern and potentially broke the law in doing so, according to a new state audit.

Key facts: The actual podium only cost $11,575 when it was purchased in June 2023. The rest of the money was for shipping, a travel case and a $2,500 “consulting fee.”

Open the Books
Waste of the Day 5.10.24

The Republican Party of Arkansas eventually reimbursed the state for the expense.

But the state audit reinforces prior reports that Sanders’ office never intended to pay back the money. They allegedly handwrote the words “to be reimbursed” on the invoice months later, which would be illegal tampering with public records.

The audit also found that Sanders’ office paid for the podium in advance with a state credit card, incurring a $554 processing fee. Arkansas law requires state agencies to pay for products after delivery and use a purchase order so spending can be tracked in the state’s digital accounting system.

Because the podium was never entered in the accounting system, auditors concluded that the podium is still state property, and the Republican Party reimbursement is invalid.

Sanders says the credit card was used by mistake and argues that her office is not a “state agency” and so those laws don’t apply. Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin agreed in an unofficial statement.

The audit also revealed that Sanders’ office got quotes for other podiums costing as little as $800 but chose the luxury option anyway. The same podium without customizations can be bought for $7,000.

Her office shredded a document with details about the podium’s shipping info and size. Staffers told auditors it was a mistake and provided a replacement copy.

Supporting quote: For better or worse, Sanders seems to be enjoying the ordeal.

She recently posted a dramatic video of her podium billowing smoke and daring lawmakers to “Come And Take It” while Jay-Z’s “Public Service Announcement” blares in the background.

Yes, it’s as bizarre as it sounds — and was presumably produced by someone working on a taxpayer salary.

Background: Sanders makes almost $159,000 as governor. Her office paid $3.3 million in salary to 42 staffers last year, according to records at OpenTheBooks.com.

Summary: If Sanders is going to use Jay-Z to defend her wasteful spending, maybe she should “reintroduce” herself to the fiscal conservatism of her own political party.

The #WasteOfTheDay is brought to you by the forensic auditors at OpenTheBooks.com


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