A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Survival Stories

In times of struggle and strife, humanity always finds a way. When the the clock runs low and the chips are down, these unbelieavable stories of survival will remind you of the strength of the human spirit.

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I Survived! Three Tales of Daring Escapes and Survivals

These lucky survivors each escaped potentially deadly situations with their lives

How a 9/11 Survivor and His Son Bravely Rescued a Pilot from Icy Waters

When a small plane crashes into a frozen creek, kayakers must navigate the ice to save the pilot

Meet the Man Who Survived 16+ Hours at Sea After His Boat Capsized

This is his amazing story of survival and strength

Meet the Man Who Fought a 350-Pound Black Bear to Save His Dog

He would do anything to save his pup—even square up with one of nature's biggest beasts

Welcoming Ukrainian Refugees: 13 Stories That Will Renew Your Faith in Humanity

Instead of waiting to figure out the "right" way to help, these people jumped into action to help Ukrainian refugees...

These Four People Were Faced with Death and Lived to Tell Their Stories

When faced with certain death, you need bravery, determination, and plenty of luck.

I Was Stalked with an Apple AirTag—Here’s What I Wish I’d Known

Tech aimed at making our lives easier is now the perfect stalking tool—and it's terrifying

This Expert Skier Survived Two Avalanches After Hitting the Slopes

Caught in a massive avalanche and buried alive under a blanket of snow, Ken Scott knew death was just a...

13 Powerful Things Surviving a Terrorist Attack Taught Me About Life

Here's how I learned to see the good in a world that can seem, at times, to be horrifically evil.

I Survived 9/11—These Are the 13 Questions Young People Ask Me the Most

Twelve-years-old at the time of the attack, the author survived, and so did her family—but she soon realized 9/11 was...

How I Escaped from Cuba in 1969 in the Wheel Well of a Jet

This RD classic from 50 years ago tells the thrilling story of a teen who made
 a daring escape...

Here’s How I Survived a Shark Attack

Mike Coots was surfing with his buddies near his home in Kauai when he was attacked by a shark. He...

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5 Split-Second Decisions People Made That Saved Their Own Lives

Kidnapped at gunpoint? Cornered by a mountain lion? Stranded in a snowstorm? These everyday people saved their own lives with...

In a Freak Accident, This Woman Was Shot in the Neck with an Arrow and It Ended Up Saving Her Life

After a backyard accident 
almost kills her, a Texas woman is taken 
on a miraculous medical journey.

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12 Titanic Survivors: What Happened to Them Next

That fateful night was the beginning of the rest of their lives—for better or for worse.

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His Parachute Got Stuck on the Plane’s Wheel and He Was Suspended in Midair with Little Chance...

Almost 80 years after it unfolded in the sky over San Diego, a nearly impossible rescue mission remains one of...

5 People Whose Brain Injuries Gave Them New Abilities

The brain is a powerful organ! Although these people experienced trauma, their brains compensated with some special skills.

This Teacher Saved a Cafeteria of Students from an Active Shooter

Her students now compare her to Chuck Norris.

What It Feels Like to Have a Wildfire Burn Over You, Straight from a Firefighter

The most dangerous time for a wildfire is late afternoon, when the sun is hot, relative humidity is low, and...

I Used to Be Homeless—And Here’s What Everyone Gets Wrong About It

You've been misled by television and movies: Homeless people aren't dangerous. Here's the reality from a man who spent 20...

The Day Robert Downey Jr. Saved My Grandma

At the height of an emergency, the actor turned into a real-life superhero.

This Man Was Left to Die on Everest, But These Hikers Sacrificed Reaching the Top To Save His Life

Near Everest's peak, the climbers faced a choice: head for the summit, like others had done, or stop to save...

My “Abdominal Pain” Turned out to Be Colon Cancer

Amy Driben-Salcedo dismissed the burning in her abdomen as an ulcer—until a colonoscopy revealed she had colon cancer.

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11 People Who Came Back to Life Reveal What They Saw on “the Other Side”

It's the question we've all asked: What happens after death? These people say they have an idea.

I Suffered from Severe IBS for 18 Years till One Treatment Changed Everything

Nearly 16 million Americans suffer from IBS-D, or irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea. Dawn Cobb suffered for almost two decades...

6 People Who Froze to Death—and Came Back to Life

Once you freeze to death—that's it, right? Not always. With the right techniques, doctors may be able to bring a...

13 People Who Faked Their Own Deaths

People often fake their own deaths to get out of trouble, whether they're escaping a threat, debt, or a prison...

The One Thing Natural Disaster Survivors Wish They’d Done Differently to Prepare

If you're in the path of a hurricane or another natural disaster, what's the one thing you should always do?...

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How a Man Survived a Plane Crash—and a 15-Hour Swim with Sharks

Adrift in the stormy waters, his only weapons a leaky life vest and a desperate resolve, the downed airman prepared...