Business leaders encouraging Congress to certify Biden include Trump’s favorite lender Deutsche Bank

Business leaders signed onto a letter demanding that Congress certify President-elect Joe Biden the winner of the election.

A number of Republicans plan to contest the count of the electoral votes in Congress, but the Constitution outlines specifically what the role of Congress is in deciding an election. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) explained in a statement, "Under the Constitution and federal law, Congress's power is limited to counting electoral votes submitted by the states."

"This presidential election has been decided and it is time for the country to move forward," the letter from the business leaders said. "President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have won the Electoral College and the courts have rejected challenges to the electoral process. Congress should certify the electoral vote on Wednesday, January 6. Attempts to thwart or delay this process run counter to the essential tenets of our democracy."

Among the CEOs who signed the letter, President Donald Trump's own lender of choice, Deutsche Bank. Among the banks and investment firms demanding Trump step aside also appears the CEO of Pfizer, Moody's, Warby Parker, Lyft, JetBlue Airways, MetLife, Condé Nast, New York Life Insurance Company, WeWork, Saks Fifth Avenue, Pete Peterson's Foundation, Etsy, Microsoft, and American Express, to name a few.

Read the full letter here.