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  • Bad driving instructor
    For the driving test (says I putting on my ex examiners hat) you will be re see more
  • WHAT is the Biggest PROBLEM In the Car Industry?
    A bit of advice to the auto industry. Stop doing stuff like this to claw every last penny out of the motorist. see more
  • Driving myths
    I have actually seen that done at a few RTC's over the years and it worked. Admittedly the person doing the procedure was a first aid instructor... see more
  • Driving myths
    @Rolebama Yeah, that makes sense I remember watching a film in which someone performed a tracheotomy-style operation using a biro pen ... I... see more
  • Driving myths
    As far as I am aware, to become a doctor, (the first step to becoming a surgeon), means a 5/6 year course. Any Joe Public can be a first aider. ... see more
  • Reverse gear
    Some auto boxes use cables. I would suggest having it checked. see more
  • Odd hints and tips
    There's an app for everything. The last time i was hanging a picture i realised that I'd mislaid the small spirit level. I knew it'd be in the... see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    On test, the examiner doesn't expect a new driver to have the observation skills or experience necessary always to judge whether anyone would benefit... see more
  • Driving myths
    Totally offtopic but I often wondered if surgeons have to have some kind of license, seeing as they are sticking blades in people, or is it just... see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    will National Intensive at very least refund the cost of the theory test? You would have to ask them that. she was more interested in saying... see more
  • Reverse gear
    Are you parked on an incline? see more
  • Driving myths
    @Santa This guy bought a Range Rover, possibly the most unreliable car ever and bought an extended bumper to bumper 6 year warrant for $3900 (about... see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    I've just read on here that a theory test is valid for two years, that takes a lot of weight off my mind. see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    Well an update and a bump on this thread. My instructor through National Intensive cancelled last minute due to covid and last minute they... see more
  • Speed limiters in July
    If it was being used today this would never have happened. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-tells-horrific-search-baby-29510551 Makes... see more
  • Reverse gear
    I have a 2009 Astra Vauxhall automatic. for 2 days now I started feeling when I put the reverse gear it's feels a bit hard like stuck before it... see more
  • Driving myths
    I have commented to a few friends over the years about how they cruise in the second or third lane on motorways, only to be met with variations of "I... see more
  • Humour
    My wife is in hospital after a bee stung her on the forehead. Her face is all bruised and swollen quite badly. Luckily I managed to hit it with a... see more
  • Odd hints and tips
    Nice thread idea A cool one I saw online but have never tried If you bodge a toilet brush into a hand drill (so that operating the drill spins... see more
  • Odd hints and tips
    I thought a thread on some hints and tips might be interesting, and hopefully other member will add to the list. I have a 2500 gallon water tank I... see more
  • Humour
    When they hear my accent I often get asked "So what bought you to America" My reply of "A damn great big aeroplane, as it was a little too far to... see more
  • Foot in Mouth Disease
    Our local high school students put together a big presentation about the damage to the environment caused by climates change, big oil and gas etc.... see more
  • Driving myths
    In general, I agree. Especially since the Consumer Rights Act 2015 often give better protection against unexpected costs. That said, when I bought... see more
  • Watches
    @Rolebama That company make some crazy pieces and I sometimes wonder if they are taking the mick? Look at this "oil pump" watch for £370,000 ... see more
  • Humour
    I'VE BEEN BANNED FROM TESCO'S Yesterday I was at my local Tesco store buying a large economy bag of My Dog dog food for my loyal pet and was in the... see more
  • Foot in Mouth Disease
    The Driving Myths thread Somehow brought this to mind: When with the AA we would have District Meetings where we always had a 'guest' speaker. On... see more
  • Driving myths
    A popular myth still going strong (n ot helped by the TV documentaries) is that it is illegal to undertake. No it isn't. That piece of... see more
  • Driving myths
    Extended warranties are worthwhile. see more
  • Watches
    Came across this from Jacobs at the price of $678,000+.... see more
  • Driving myths
    @Drivingforfun You would need a thousand drivers to take part in a double-blind test to make a scientific evaluation. One group to be given a... see more