Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Aging and memory: a cognitive approach.

This article describes changes in memory during the normal aging process from the standpoint of cognitive psychology. There is now a great deal of evidence to show that memory is not one single function but may be described in terms of different memory systems that show differential effects of aging. For example, memory for procedures, and some perceptual memory functions, show few age-related changes, whereas working memory, episodic memory, and prospective memory decline substantially in the course of normal aging. Memory for facts and knowledge (semantic memory) holds up well in older individuals provided that the information is used frequently, although the ability to retrieve highly specific information (such as names) typically declines. The article discusses current theoretical accounts of the effects of aging; different theorists have attributed the changes in memory and cognition to mental slowing, declining attentional resources, an inability to inhibit unwanted information, and a decline in cognitive control. Other suggestions include the notion that memory performance in older adults is particularly vulnerable when the need for self-initiated processing is greatest; conversely, performance is greatly helped by the provision of environmental support. The practical implications of these research findings and ideas include the point that clinical memory assessments should incorporate tests designed to measure the different aspects of memory functioning.

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